Pilot (3.5/5)

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Frost💭: I know who these guys are....They're humans!!!

Frost pushes the teenager out the way and grabs Miles from the other cell

Frost: Millie! Are you gonna follow?!

Millie: I got a score to settle with these Humans, I think I'll catch up with you later

Frost nods as Him and Millie go their separate ways

Frost: Shit, I probably should've asked her where they're doing tests

???: Oi! Don't F*cking touch me!!!

Frost💭: I think i know who that was

Frost follows the yells of the person, when he goes through the next door, he finds Felix trying to push away a needle from one of the scientists, In a quick act Frost tackles the scientists and helps Felix get up

Felix: Thanks man, those Scientist are VERY annoying with needles...

Frost: Where are Ivy and the rest?

Felix: I don't know

Frost: Ok, new plan, You try to find a way out of this place while I find the others-

Frost and Felix then turn around to see a wave of Teens behind them

Felix: Wherever they came in will probably be the exit to this place

Frost: Ok, take Miles and find a way out!

Felix picks up Miles and Flies over the Teens while Frost runs to find the rest of his Friends, as Felix flies over the wave of Teenagers and Young Adults some of them notice Felix and Take Photos and Videos

Boy Teen 2B: Does that person have wings and a tail?!

Young Man 4S: Its not just a person...Thats a Dracion!!

Boy Teen 8D: You mean those Dragon-Human hybrids that enslaved humanity 150 years ago?!

Felix💭: What are these humans talking about?! Humanity enslaved Dracions...

Meanwhile, Frost was desprately trying to find his family until he found a room filled with red light. When he opened the door, he saw a Phoenix that had Chains on its Neck, wings and feet...

Frost: What the heck are you..?

The Phoenix screeched as Frost slowly approached it, seeing The Phoenix's condition made Frost sick at Humanity...They seal away creatures that they don't understand or fear

Frost: I'm Sorry the Humans did this to you...

The Phoenix did a low growl as it rested its head on the floor as tears of magma fell down its face..

Frost: ...I'll come back for you...I promise...

Frost leaves the room as he continues to find his family

Meanwhile, Ersa was fighting off a scientist who tried to use anesthesia on her to put her to sleep. Luckily, she was able to take the propofol and stick it into the scientist's arm, causing them to fall asleep

Ersa: Geez...those History articals were right about humans...

Frost then rushes into the room as he sees Ersa standing over the scientist

Frost (shocked yet confused face): Ersa!!

Ersa (eyes widen): Frost?!

Frost and Ersa hug each other as they are both glad that neither of them are hurt

Frost: Do happen to know where they took Ivy and my parents..?

Ersa shakes her head in a way of saying she doesn't know

Frost: Damnit...So they were testing us all in different rooms, c'mon, we gotta find them!

Frost and Ersa rush out the room as they desperately try to find Ivy, Paragus, and Marceline

To Be Continued...

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