The Bronx Zoo Incident Part 3

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The Bear attempts to slash Frost and Laura but they both dodge it, Laura backs up to get a good shooting distance between her and the Bear while Frost is up close attacking it.

Frost keeps on Punching, Kicking and even Tail Smacking the Bear but those don't seem to affect the Bear but when Laura shot at the Bear's arm and the bullet caused a chunk of the Bear's arm to explode and regenerate.

Frost notices this and flies backwards towards Laura and Taps her on the shoulder.

Frost: Hey, did you see that?

Laura: See what?

Frost: shoot it again.

Laura shoots at the Bear's face and a chunk of it's face exploded before regenerating.

Frost: Notice how a part of its body bursts into sparks when a bullet hits it

Laura: So what you're saying is..

Frost: If you shoot it enough times, maybe it's entire body will explode. So while you're shooting, I'll distracting

Laura: And exactly how do you plan to distract it without me accidently shooting you?

Frost looks around and notices plastic toys from the prize center, he flies over and grabs a handful of toys and starts throwing them at the bear.

The Bear turns its attention to Frost and charges toward him but Laura shoots the back of it's hind legs causing both of them to burst into sparks.

Once it's hind legs regenerate, it returns it's attention to Laura. The Bear runs at Laura at full speed while Laura shoots at it's chest, The Bear reaches Laura and she attemps to dodge it but The Bear clamps its jaws on her leg, causing her to drop her guns and the Bear thrashes Laura around before throwing her into another exhibit.

Laura crashes into the otter exhibit and lands into the water, falling Unconscious. The Bear then steps on both of Laura's pistols, breaking them. Frost checks his contacts and everyone in his contacts is either on Draconia or Unavalibe. Frost attempts to call Dr. Brooks..No Answer, He Attempts to call Satoshi..No Answer, He attempts to call Axel..and still no answer.

Frost: Damn....The one time I need help....

The Bear turns towards Frost and charges at him, Frost flies over the bear and wraps his tail around the Bear's neck. Frost lifts up the bear with his Tail as the bear bites and scratches at it.

Frost acends over 52 feet off the ground and drops the bear. The Bear roars as it slowly decends from the sky. When it hits the gound, a huge a amount of of electricity fills the entire area.

The Electricity hits Frost and he also falls down to the ground. Meanwhile, Ersa, Leo and Terra watch from the entrence.

Leo💭: C'mon Mom....Frost.....

Suddenly, Alexis lands infront of the three, shocking Ersa

Ersa: Y-You!

Alexis turns her head to Ersa before turning it back to the direction of the Zoo. The bottom of Alexis' boots become jet thrusters and she flies into the Zoo.

Meanwhile, the Bear gets up before Frost as it slowly walks towards him. Frost struggles to get up as the Bear walks over him and gets on its hind legs. Just before it strikes, it gets shot in the chest.

The Bear turns around and sees Alexis with her right hand morphed as a sniper rifle, Alexis shoots at the Bear's chest again and Instead of it exploding into sparks. The Bear's body expands and it seems like its about to explode

 The Bear's body expands and it seems like its about to explode

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Alexis then speeds down towards Frost and grabs him by his arm. She then goes to the otter exhibit and pulls Laura's unconcious body out the water. After Alexis leaves the Zoo with Frost and Laura, the Bear's entire body explodes into Sparks.

9 Hours Later

Frost's POV: I stuggle to open my eyes and when I do, I find myself In a hospital bed, I have bandages on my legs and arms. I turn to my right to see Leo with a cast on his left leg and I turn to my left to see Terra with some Bandages on her neck..the rest probably on her torso..

3rd Person: Terra and Laura turn to look and Frost, Terra is shocked to see Frost awake while Laura just stares at him, She then slowly walks towards Frost with a serious look on her face

Laura: Frost Mayfield..Correct?

Frost: Uhm......Yeah...

Laura: Get yourself Dressed, You and Your Friend are coming with me.

To Be Continued...

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