Into The Pocket Dimension

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*Umera's POV*

In a dark room, I stood, watching through the glass dome that was settled in the center of the room. I stood there, hands behind my back, watching the war that was going on. Some might call it the War of All Wars, others, the War of the Universe.

I call it Infinity War.

My eyes glowed within the darkness, the only light available in the room besides the dim glow of the dome. 

"This should not be happening," I murmured, watching one of the youngest take the gauntlet. A child, no older than seventeen years, holding all of the Infinity Stones in his grasp. For such a young man, he has too much responsibility thrust upon his shoulders. "Strange took them down a path that shouldn't even existed."

I continued to watch before spinning on my heel, my back facing the glass dome. I could not bare to watch the young spider get buried underneath all of....whatever the creatures are called.

I marched out of the room, immediately making up my mind.

"Time to change the course of the timeline." I smiled. "To where it would be originally."

Avengers Compound - Upstate - 2017

Tinkering in the lab with Mr. Stark was more relaxing than Peter could ever imagine. While he may had fanboyed  internally at first, he grew to like the sounds of Mr. Stark's breathing and shuffling, as well as the beeping and metal clanking of DUM-E, and the rock music playing in the background. 

"Hey, Mr. Stark," Peter said, lifting his attention away from the webshooters he was working on and looked towards the older man, who had also lifted his head at the sound of his name.

"What's up, kid?" He replied, slouching back into his chair.

"Well," Peter began. "I was wondering if I-"

Peter was cut off, his spidey-sense tingling. Tony looked at the kid with an array of emotions, mainly concern and confusion. "Kid?"

"Something's happenin-"

A silver portal opened underneath the both of them. Peter could only get a glimpse of Tony's face, arrayed with terror and confusion, before everything went to black.

Safe House - Somewhere In Russia - 2017 

"Steve!" Natasha called from somewhere in the house. The man in name looked up from the drawing he was sketching in his sketchbook. Scratching his half-grown beard, Steve replied, "Yes?"

"Where's the hair straightener?"

Steve shot the empty room a confused look. Why in the world would he use a hair straightener? He didn't even have long hair.

"Why would I know? I don't even use the damn thing."

"Language!" Three different voices sounded throughout the safe house. 

"You told them about that?!" Steve asked incredulously. 

"Of course I did," Natasha replied. "Who do you take me for?"

"Someone who won't tell people the one time I actually said it."

"Well, that's too damn la-" Natasha was cut off as a silver colored portal opened underneath the super soldier and he plunged into blackness.

Everywhere where there was an Avenger, they all plummet into a silver portal into blackness, all passing out. Including Thor, Loki, Valkyrie, and Bruce, who were in Asgard, ready to fight Hela. 

*Umera's POV*

I watched, pleased, as all of the Avengers appeared through their personal portals, all passed out. Five more portals opened and the Guardians of the Galaxy fell through. I had transported them into a theater like room, ready to show them things that they haven't seen before.

A few minutes had passed before groans echoed throughout the entire theater. 

They are finally waking up.

Loud shouts overcame the groans as they all started to realize where they were.

"What the-?!"

"Where the fuck are we?!"

"I am Groot!"

"Why is the tree talking?!"

"My friends!" Thor boomed, his loud voice overcoming the other voices. "It's great to see you again!"

"Point break?!"

"Oh my god, is that Thor?!" The young spider said, and I let out a huff of amusement as the youngest of the group stared at the god. 

"Steve?!" Stark let out a angry growl as he moved the young spider behind him.

"Tony." Steve replied, jerking his head in acknowledgment. 

I decided to intervene before this all got out of hand and fighting occurred. 

"Enough." I shouted, everyone growing silent at my powerful voice. "No fighting. That isn't what you're here for."

"Then what the hell are we here for?" Rocket said.

"To react to the future. As well as your actors, fanart, memes-"

"Memes?!" Both the princess and spiderling exclaimed before turning to face each other, excited looks on their faces.

"Yes," I replied, amused. "In less than a year, you will lose a fight that will lead to half of the universe disappearing."

Chaos happened after my words. I waited til everyone was calm before continuing. "And I am here to help you all. To stop it from happening, but that will be in a later time. So please, everyone take your seats, and we shall begin."

Everyone obeyed.

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