Getting Hit By A Train Wasn't On My To-Do List, But Ok

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*Peter's POV*

"Okay, so I lied." Umera stated. "It's after this video is when it gets more heart-filling."

Peter didn't like the sound of that. He did not want to see anyone else die. It was already depressing enough that he just saw his own death.

"Are we going to watch someone die again?" He heard the Falcon demand behind him. Peter stomach dropped. He really didn't want to see anyone die again.

"No, there is no death in this video," Audible sighs were heard by his super-hearing. "But, I apologize young spider."

Peter stomach dropped again. Is this the-?

"I assure you Peter, it's not what you think. But rather, it'll happen several years into the future."

Oh thank fudging god.

"What do you mean 'apologize'?" Mr. Stark demanded, "What's going to happen to Peter?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as his two best friend, his newest friend, and his aunt give him worried looks. MJ never showed emotion, so when she had that look on her face, Peter's chest went warm.

But Umera never answered Mr. Stark's questions, instead, the screen in front of them turned white once more.

A black car, an Audi, pulled up in front of Peter, the window rolling down to reveal Nick Fury. 

"Get in." Fury told him.

"Why the hell is Fury talking to you?" Tony demanded. 

"I don't know!" Peter yelped. "I've never met him in my entire life!"

Tony gave a small glare, no real heat behind it. "Well, if you ever do, stay far away from him. I don't want him talking to you."

With his super-natural hearing, he heard a few others murmur in agreement.

Peter got in the car, and it sped off. 

The video panned to inside the car, where Peter took off his mask. 

"Mr. Fury!" Peter breathed.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do." Fury stated.

 "No, no, no, listen!" Peter tried to say before being cut off by Fury.

"Wait until we're secure."

"Probably the smartest choice." Peter heard someone say behind him.

Peter sits himself back into his seat.

"Okay." Peter replied.

Peter takes a few deep breaths until Fury clears his throat. He makes a slashing motion across his chest, indicating for Peter to put his seatbelt on.

"Oh, right." Peter said sheepish.

Snickers were heard around the room. Peter felt his face warm in embarrassment. 

Peter tries to put on the seatbelt but finds that it's stuck. After a few attempts to loosen it, Peter tugs on the strap so hard that it finally breaks off. Peter nervously darts his eyes over to Fury, who just gives him a disappointed look and turns his eye back to the road. The car pulls into the garage of a very nice looking building.

Peter heard the snickers turn into chuckles. His face warmed even further.

Cut to the inside of a pristine white facility, which was swarming with staff members who Peter and Fury walk past. Peter and Fury enter a conference room where Maria Hill is waiting.

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