Chapter 3

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OMG, I'm so sorry for the wait ! Plus it super short D: I had ideas to make it longer, but there would have been too much drama. Do you want too much drama ? I don't think so.

Oh, and if you guys could check out my other story "Late Bloomers", I would be sooo grateful :D

Loooove you guys :D

Song of this chapter : Are You Gonna Be My Girl? - Jet


Aiden was hovering above me, staring at me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and brought my hands around his neck to kiss him. He kissed me back instantly, as fervent as me, and I tightened my grip around him. That seemed to arouse him as he deepened the kiss, pulling me closer to his chest.

I unclasped a hand from his hair and started to unbutton his shirt. When I reached his abs, I let my fingers linger on them and caressed his perfectly chiseled chest with my other hand. I kissed him more roughly, and he responded by slipping his tongue into my mouth, exploring it.

I sighed happily in our kiss, and pushed Aiden aside to be on top of him.

Aiden pulled away from our kiss, startling me. "What's the matter?" he breathed on my lips, tickling me.

"Nothing, why?" I giggled. I crawled on top of him, kissing his jaw, then trailing down his neck and his collarbone. I eventually made a way to his perfectly flat stomach. I licked it slightly and he shivered. I snickered and trailed back to his lips, but stopped before I reached them, teasing him. He leaned in to kiss me, but I stopped him by running a hand on his chest, and finally bent down to kiss him.

Yep, I smirked; I was in a dominant mood tonight.

To my dismay, he broke our kiss again and stared intently at me, his eyes boring holes into mine. "I don't know, I mean you sighed and suddenly you want to be on top, what is it supposed to mean? Am I not as good as Peter?" He asked worriedly.

I smiled, staring at him in awe. He was so cute sometimes! Behind his manly body and his acts, he was still the shy little boy lacking of confidence I grew up with.

"Aiden, you're the best," I said frankly.

"Stop trying to be nice," he mumbled under me.

I chuckled "If I was lying, would I be here doing this with you instead of being with my boyfriend?" I blurted out. I slapped myself mentally, hoping he wouldn't... Too late, Aiden's expression had already changed. I sighed internally.

"About that... We shouldn't be doing this Sasha," he said quietly. I sighed again. There goes my shot of getting laid tonight. I sniggered at myself; I totally sounded like a slut.

"I'm not saying you're a slut or anything," Aiden continued as if he was reading my mind "But if I were Peter I wouldn't like my girlfriend to sneak around fucking her best friend!" He explained.

"Hey, we're not fucking! I mean we are, but don't use the word fuck..." I trailed off.

"Then what are we doing?" Aiden laughed humorlessly "We obviously can't say we're making love, we aren’t lovers or a couple. We're sex friends." Again with the strange sparkle in the eye.

Trick of the light, I reassured myself.

"Alright," I agreed "But you said earlier yourself that Peter is an asshole. I mean he broke with me for no reason then wants to get back together. I can't forgive him that easily. He deserves this right?"

Right ?

I sounded more like I was convincing myself than I was convincing Aiden.

He nodded, and said in a matter-of-fact tone “Yeah, I mean he did cheat on you-“He stopped suddenly, wide-eyed, putting his hand on his mouth.

I gasped. “He-he cheated on me? That’s why he broke up with me?”

Filthy bastard! I can’t believe I cried over that asshole! But why? With who? When? How could I not realize? Again, why?

Millions of questions were crossing my mind at that moment, but only one thought remained there.

Aiden nodded sadly. “I’m sorry Sash-“I cut him by kissing him hard on the lips.

It was more desperate and passionate than any kiss we’ve shared. That kiss tasted better than any kiss Peter and I shared. Because it tasted like revenge. Sweet revenge.

Yes, Peter deserved that. Because he cheated on me.

Was it right to do that though?

I don't know.

But he did cheat on me, so I had the right to do that, right?

Right ?

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