Chapter 4

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Hello lovely readers !

I know, I haven't uploaded in SOOOOOOOOO long!

Let me explain why I don't and I won't be uploading much.

As you probably don't know I'm a junior in France... And when you're a junior in France, you have to take anticipated subjects, and for me it's French. I take it at the end of June, so I'm revising like crazy.

I didn't proof read this, so I'm sorry for all the mistakes, wether they're grammatical or spelling mistakes.This is a filler chapter, really, so I'm sorry it's so boring.

I tried to make it long for you guys, tell me what you think :)

Oh, and I've got this story, "The Broke Heartbreaker", you guys mind check it out? It'd be awesome :D


I love you guys <3


My alarm clock went off. I extended my arms to stop the blasting, or rather deafening sound of that damn machine but ended up slapping Aiden in the face. I giggled at the grunting sound he made, and stretched my back.

Aiden lay asleep, not moving an inch. I sighed. He was never a morning person. He would take hours to get up from bed. I could get up straight away, make breakfast, go for a run, and he would still be lying on the bed.

But I knew how to wake him up. I picked up two mint fresh candies from my night table, putting one in mouth and shoving one into Aiden's. He coughed, his eyes tearing up.

"Ow, what the hell Sasha? If you want to kill me, then don't do it so early in the morning!" he cried out.

I laughed at his outburst "Will you suck it already?"

"That's what I said" he said wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm playfully.

He chuckled, but did as I said, and eventually laid down again to get back to sleep. Seconds later he was breathing deeply as he always did when he was dozing off.

I sighed and rolled on the bed to land on top of him. He opened his eyes and raised his eyebrows questioningly. As a response, I sat on him, my legs on either side of him, straddling him. 

I bent down and kissed him, moving my lips against his full ones. He slipped his tongue into my mouth. I moaned in the back of my throat when I tasted him, his tongue massaging mine slowly.

I backed off before we got carried away, breathless. His face was inches from mine, his minty breath tickling me. I was aching for more, as usual. He was making me so horny it was unreal. How could that boy do that to me? Why could my boyfriend not? Oh, right, I forgot. I don’t have a boyfriend anymore, I thought. Bitterness seeped from my every word, as I was still upset because of Peter.

Thankfully, I had Aiden. I smiled at that thought, and leaned in again to kiss him and pulled away after a few seconds.

"Well, I could get used to that" he breathed, his eyes boring into mine.

I bit my lip, my thoughts flickering to Peter again. OK, I was the whole instigator of all of that, but I still felt guilty. I couldn't keep on doing that with Aiden. He was my best friend after all. He might get used to it, and I didn't want to break his heart. He was the rebound guy in this story and I didn't want him to be the rebound guy.

"Aiden, don't say that kind of thing" I said quietly.

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed "I'm sorry, just forget it. Hey, what about we grab breakfast and have it at the park?" He said, giving me a goofy grin.

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