5. Not giving up

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Warmness, that's what Taehyung feels right at this moment.

He never felt warm like this before, he never felt this nice maybe even too nice feeling shooting through his whole body.

"Taehyung! Are you fine?" Minghao asks, Taehyung looks at him.

He hoped that hand on his shoulder is Minghao's but when he realized it's not, he panicked again.

He looks behind himself and sees Jungkook's worried look on his face while his hand rests on Taehyung's shoulder.

"I... I'm sorry." Taehyung says and stands up then runs out of classroom.

"Tae! Where are you going?" Moon asks, being worried for his human.

"I can't do this Moon, I can't let him in my life." Taehyung says, tears fall down his cheeks.

"Why not? Just let him to prove himself." Moon says.

"It felt so good moon." Taehyung says.

"Warm feeling shoot through my body felt so good." Taehyung says.

"Don't be scared of letting him in your life." Moon says.

Taehyung stops when he realizes that he don't know where is he.

Suddenly, everything went black in front of his eyes but before than he could fall, two strong arms wrapped around him.


"Tae..." Jungkook calls after him, watching how Taehyung run out of classroom.

"What happened to him?" Mingyu asks.

"He started shaking, it seems like he had panic attack." Minghao says, being worried for his new friend. He looks at Jungkook.

"I'm going after him." Jungkook says.

"What about professor?" Mingyu asks.

"I don't care about him, all I care about right now is my mate who is clearly not okay." Jungkook says and stands up.

Mingyu and Minghao looks at each other and stands up as well.

"We are going with you." Minghao says.

"It's okay, just stay here." Jungkook says.

"Let's go, we will not be available to find him since he don't have scent." Mingyu says.

Jungkook sighs then nods, the three of them walks out of classroom after informing their friends.

"So where he might left?" Minghao asks.

"Maybe washroom?" Mingyu asks.

"He is right there!" Jungkook says as he points on the end of hallway where students usually don't go.

"Your scent" Taekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now