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Next day, Taehyung smiles as he walks towards school.

He had very great time with Jungkook yesterday even tho he was sick a little bit.

His mate made sure that Taehyung is comfortable and fine during their long ass talking and watching photos that Jungkook has took few days, even months and years ago.

"You seems happy today! What's happening?" Moon asks. Taehyung giggles, catching attention from old woman that was passing by him.

"Nothing happened Moon, I'm just happy. I'm going to school, there I have friend or friends, I'm not sure tho." Taehyung says.

"Are you sure that is not because of special trueblood alpha that has been running all around your mind for whole night?" Moon asks and Taehyung is sure that his wolf just smirked.

"Whatt?? Of course not Moon. What are you talking about??" Taehyung says and nervously chuckles.

"Yeah? Tell that to your heart that is beating so fast, I think it might jump out of your chest soon." Moon says.

"Rude!! Anyway, think whatever you want. You will not believe me even if I tell you so... wait!! You are me so you know everything, why are you asking me??" Taehyung says.

"I didn't say anything." Moon says.

"Yeah sure. Whatever makes you sleep at night." Taehyung says.

"Our mate." Moon says.

"Ufff, Moon!!!! Stop talking about him!!" Taehyung says and pouts.

He didn't even realised when he came to school.

"You're here Taehyung. Watch where are you going!! Now go and be good kid so that our mate can see how much are we cute." Moon says.

"He sees me, not you, pabo!" Taehyung says.

"You are pabo!!" Moon says back.

Before than Taehyung could answer back, someone tapped his shoulder from behind.

He turns around and is met with his friend, Minghao.

"Good morning Tae! I called you but you didn't hear me." Minghao says.

"Good morning Hao." Taehyung says and smiles.

"Sorry, Moon has been talking to me that's why I didn't hear you." Taehyung says.

"Moon is your wolf?" Minghao asks.

"Yes, annoying one tho." Taehyung says as he and Minghao starts giggling.

"My wolf is called The8." Minghao says.

"It's cute and aesthetic." Taehyung says.

"Omg!! That's what he said too." Minghao says and giggles again.

"Your scent" Taekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now