7. Beta?

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Jungkook couldn't stop smile that formed on his face when Taehyung said that he is giving him chance to prove himself.

Even tho, it has been two weeks since that day, smile is not leaving trueblood alpha's face.

Was it of seeing Taehyung's face, hearing his voice or just thinking about him, smile has been on Jungkook's face.

Just like usually, since Taehyung and Minghao became very good friends, they decided to spent every other day in library, studying together.

"You know, I like school but come on, why we have Chemistry?? I don't see point in having that, especially for what we are studying." Minghao says.

"Chemistry isn't that bad. It can be interesting too." Taehyung says.

"Says you because you love that subject." Minghao pouts. Taehyung giggles softly.

"I will show you that Chemistry can be interesting just as other subjects." Taehyung says.

"Okey, let's see." Minghao says. They walks in library and sees that is almost empty.

"There are not a lot of students today." Minghao says.

"Yeah, kinda weird but okay." Taehyung replies.

"I'm gonna get one book, you can go and find seats for us." Taehyung adds.

"Alright." Minghao says.

They parts away from each other, Taehyung looking for his book while Minghao is going to find seat for them, probably somewhere where they can have some privacy.

Taehyung smiles as he looks at the bookshelves filled with a million of books.

"How am I gonna find it?" Taehyung mumbles.

He sees librarian and go to her.

"Excuse me?" Taehyung says. Librarian looks at him and smiles softly.

"How can I help you?" Librarian asks.

"I need this book." Taehyung says as he gives paper to her. She smiles and nods.

"Go to 23rd row, you will find book on 4th shelf." Librarian says.

"Thank you." Taehyung says and bows.

Librarian smiles at him then he leaves from there. He walks towards 23rd row, smiling as he finally reached where book is supposed to be.

He looks through bookshelf and sees book. He smiles and tries to grab it but it was too high for him. He pouts and tries again.

"Seriously??" Taehyung whisper to himself. He huffs and jumps a little but still not success. Just then he felt someone from behind himself and hand grabbed book.

"Your scent" Taekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now