First Kiss (Elisabeth's POV)

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She never thought it would happen: her, the most popular woman in town, in love with a young girl! But it happened. 

She knew Maria felt the same way. But she was careful. Until she couldn’t control herself anymore after that party and kissed her passionately. And since that day, they've been a couple.

She remembers that clearly. Maria looked so beautiful in that dress. And her long hair, loose around her head… Elisabeth played with it.

The next step was a kiss. 

She cupped her face and whispered: 'I'm in love with you, Maria…'

Maria just looked at her in disbelief. Elisabeth saw it in her eyes: Maria was in love with her too.

Elisabeth knew what she had to do. She leaned in and put her lips on her mouth. 

Oh boy, that was tasty! Maria's lips were surprisingly soft. And they were so warm and wet. Elisabeth ran her hand through her hair and used her other hand to stroke her cheek.

She felt Maria reacting to her kiss. She could tell it surprised her. Elisabeth cupped her cheeks to kiss her deeper.

Maria wrapped her arm around her waist and the other around her neck. They kept on kissing. 

This was the first time Elisabeth really enjoyed a kiss. Maria opened her mouth a little bit and Elisabeth gently pushed her tongue into her mouth. She carefully licked her tongue and along her lips. She couldn’t help but moan deeply against her lips.

'Hmm…' Maria moaned as she rubbed her back. 'Yeah, that is tasty…' 

She rubbed her shoulders and then, and then…

Elisabeth gasped when Maria touched her boobs. Don't force her to make love, don't, she thought to herself. She's but a young girl.

'Wow,' Maria whispered in between kisses. 'They're squishy.'

Elisabeth smiled warmly against her lips. She felt that Maria smiled as well. Elisabeth rubbed her shoulders.

They tongue kissed for a while before Maria got out of breath.

'Hmm,' Maria moaned again. 

She closed her mouth and Elisabeth gave her one last kiss. They then pulled away. 

'That was tasty,' Maria whispered. She blushed heavily.

'Was that your first kiss?' Elisabeth asked. She smiled when Maria blushed even harder.

Maria nodded. 'Yes.'

'You did great for your first time.'

Elisabeth handed her some money for a book before kissing her again, longer this time. And with more stroking of her body.

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