Chapter 20: sam

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I walked into my room slamming the door shut behind me

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I walked into my room slamming the door shut behind me.

Fuck him. Fuck him and all his stupid little comments.

I stormed over to my bathroom and turned the shower on. I was cold as shit and I needed to wash all this lake water off me. Just as I was about to undress I heard knocking on my bedroom door, it was muffled as I was in the bathroom and I barley heard it.

I pulled the door open "what" I snapped expecting Valentino to be stood there but to my shock it was Felix.

"Oh sorry" I mumbled "what are you doing here I thought you left with some girl?" I asked.

"Yeah I did but she passed out when we got to hers so I came back"he replied.

I let out a chuckle.

I looked up to meet the brown eyes of my best friend. Our eyes glued together and I knew we were both thinking the same thing, yet couldn't decided if we should.

Fuck it.

I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck pulling him down until my lips were on his.

Felix was a good kisser, not like Valentino, but we were both in the mood for a little fun right now and at least with Felix we knew that's all it was.

He pushed me back into my room before shutting the door behind him.


The next morning I woke up to the sun lighting up my room, I rolled over only to bump into Felix's bare chest.

It was a familiar feeling, as I have woke up in his arms many times before. Not only from sex, even before and after, he's always been my comfort. He would sleep with me on the nights where the terrorising memories of my past filled my dreams. He was my comfort, somebody I could rely on to be there for me. He never pried or made me tell him what was going on. He was just there.

"Morning" he grumbled as his eyes fluttered open.

"Morning" I checked before resting my head into his chest.

We laid in silence for a few moments, he ran his hands through my hair while I drew random shapes across his chest with the tips fingers.

"Hey, mouse?" He broke the silence, and I hummed in response.

"I think you should meet your parents, I know it will be hard for you, but it's not fair on them or you to be hiding away from this" his voice was soft and reassuring "I think you need to do this".

"I know" I whispered back

"So you will?" He asked

"I guess. I'll talk to Valentino today"

Everyone has been trying to convince me to see my parents for the last weeks, but I suppose his word means more. I trust him, and I consider things more when they come from him.

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