Chapter 41: mission

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We went over all of the details while we waited for all of the men to arrive

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We went over all of the details while we waited for all of the men to arrive.

After the long plane journey, I managed to gather somewhat of a headspace, unfortunately that meant that I had to bring all of my walls up, in effect doing a Stefan Salvatore and turning off my emotions, just a less dramatic way.

I used the hair bobble on my wrist to the my hair into a ponytail before taking out my ear rings.

"Hey Chiara,are you sure about this?" Erica asks

"Why don't you get a tattoo of that written in your forehead, maybe then my answer will change" I snapped before letting my face turn into a smirk "in fact I could do it for you" I nodded.

"Chiara, please don't be like this. We are trying to help" she pleaded and water filled her eyes.

"Aww, you look like your going to cry" I mocked.


"Why are you getting all teary" I mocked again "need I remind you, that the man you fell in love with is stood right over there" I pointed to Angelo "while mine is sat, probably in a basement getting his teeth pulled out" I spoke through gritted teeth.

"Chiara please".

"Fuck off Erica".

I walked off double checking all of my weapons are secure before slipping a bottle of water into a back pocket of my waist band.

"We all ready to go?" I asked, to which everyone nodded.

We left the motel, everyone climbed into SUV's while I had someone bring me a Ferrari.

I felt my hands build up sweat as I gripped my hands harder around the wheel, pressing my foot down as the car sped up.

I suppressed the bubbling sensation building up in my stomach and took deep breaths.

I arrived first and parked my car.

My car was around the corner as I couldn't have it know I was there.

The building was a concrete area surrounded by a woody environment.

I got out if the car and walked the five minutes to the wearhouse. When I arrived I crouched down, taking the Safety off my Beretta and holding it close.

I stood to the edges keeping my head down as I slowly made my way to the back.

There was only one guard stationed at the back as there was no exits or entrances.

I took a deep breath as I slowly stalked my way behind him. Tucking my gun in my waist and pulling out my knife.

As I got close he turned around, but not before I could push my knife into the side of his neck,shoving my hand over his moth to muffle his noises.

The man slumped to the floor and I checked his pulse making sure he was dead.

I crouched back down sticking to the edge of the wall. My eyes scanned the large concrete wall, searching for the plate that would be my entrance.

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