Chapter 23: our first

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"Get out of my sight before I put bullets in all of your heads!" I belted across the room causing the 4 men to scurry off

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"Get out of my sight before I put bullets in all of your heads!" I belted across the room causing the 4 men to scurry off.

So fucking incompetent.

I feel like I hired a bunch of imbeciles who can't do there job.

Everyday this happens, which before wasn't too bad but now I also have a 5'5 annoying little brunette running around making sure to remind me that she doesn't work for me and won't listen to my demands.

It would be so much easier if she just did as she was told.

It's driving me crazy, she keeps killing my men and then waking around with a face of pure innocence. A word that does not belong on her vocabulary.

If she wasn't so good at her job I would have disposed of her ages ago, but she's the daughter of close family friends and she will be a good addition in assisting with the Russians and she teaches the new recruits faster then I have even seen.she also has a nice ass.

Sure you would.

My men are not only taking a liking to her but they are also getting sloppy with their work, and if they can't do there jobs properly I'm going to have to start killing them off, I can't risk her finding out.

If she finds out moths of our work will have gone to waste, and it will make what I want, rather what I have to keep reminding myself that I want, a lot more difficult.

Difficult for me, and difficult for her, it will cause endless amount of pain and secrets will start to spill, hers and mine, some people won't find it in them to forgive or to move on, but I always get what I want.

I don't like how slow this process is, because the more time I spend with her the more I want to stop the whole process.

I need to stop before I let myself get close, which seems to easy to do with her, when I talk to her I feel locked in, as if she has designed a trap perfectly to fit me.

Everything about her draws me in, it's like having a craving yet the small part of her she allows to be explored will never be satisfactory, I always want more, the small touches leave an itch behind, an itch that stays until she allows me to touch again. Her sweet voice leaves behind a headache that always settles into a dull pounding, only resting when soft melody plays again.

Every thought,look and touch makes my heart beg my mind to change the future, but I won't let it.

I won't prove myself to be weak, and I won't sit around waiting for the inevitable. The inevitable that I will either get hurt or she will. I will either let her in too much and she will show me why I built up all my walls,or she will open up to me and i will do it to her.

Happy endings don't exist for people like her and they certainly do not exist for monsters like me.

Life will only give you that taste of the happy ending, the taste of what you could have but never will. The taste of the life you would have had if you had met in another life time. If you had met in a life where you had simple lived and simple jobs. The sort of life we would never want or we never would.

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