Chapter 39: gone

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I woke up with my head pounding and my mouth dryer then a nuns cunt

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I woke up with my head pounding and my mouth dryer then a nuns cunt.

What the fuck?

My eyes fluttered open and I was on the sofa at the far end of the room that we were playing poker in.

Only now Theo, Felix, Erica, Angelo and Elijah were all sat there looking at me.

Then it all came back. Those bastard used chloroform on us.

My eyes began to search frantically around the room and the more I searched for what I was looking for the more my heart pounded in my chest.

My eyes met Angelos pleading for him to understand what I was looking for.

He handed me a glass of water which I gulped down and before I could ask him the question he answered it "they took him".

The glass dropped from my hand smashing on the wall.

"Took him where, how long ago did they take him?why didn't they take us?" My heart rate grew faster as I desperately asked questions.

"We don't know where they took him but we already have people searching, he has a tracker in his watch its just taking a while to locate it, but Mr Orlov could have taken it if he realised" Angelo answered.

"How would they realise?" I asked.

"It's standard practice for us to remove all jewellery and any shoes, Mr Orlov could work the same" be answered.

"You've been knocked out for two hours, the headache could last a lot longer so take these, and keep drinking lots of water" he handed me two pills, which I took straight away.

"Well we need to do something then" I said trying to stand up, but Angelo only pushed me back down "what the fuck are you doing we nee-" he cut me off.

"You need to sit for an hour and keep drinking water, if you start moving a round two soon you could only get knocked out again"

"Why did he only take Valentino?" I asked.

I hoped to recover from the drug soon, and that he still has his watch.

"They could kill him" I whispered

The thought made my stomach turn and before I could control the bubbling up inside of me I hurled my last meal out into the bin next to me.

"Lovely" Felix said removing the bin from the room.

Elijah took a seat next to me "we will find him okay? I will help".

I nodded unable to form any words.

"Why didn't he take us all, and why did he use it on you?" I directed my question to Elijah.

He let out a heavy sigh "I don't know. We think there's a chance he may not have figured out you were together, and he knocked us all out to avoid any complications".

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