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Emma sat with Agent Yates in the cafeteria. She had finished her meal, and was eating her double chocolate muffin. "Mhmmmm, this is the nicest muffin I've even ate." She says sarcastically. Yates gives her a dirty look. She giggles and continues to eat the muffin. "There's word that they are planning to send you-" He's cut out by a large clatter, coming from down the corridor. The pair stand up, along with everyone else in the room. An arrow flies through the room and hits someone towards the back of the room. "That little shit is back" Emma mutters. She walks towards the door and opens it. There is no one on the other side, so everyone piles put of the room. "Go. I'll stay here and find that son of a bitch" Emma mutters to Yates. He nods and leaves with everyone else to go get suited up. Emma closes the door and waits. She walks around the room a couple of times but nothing happens. As she passes the door again something comes flying and wraps around her ankle. She glances down to see a goldish ring with a flashing light. She kneels down to pull it off. She trys but when it doesn't budge she sighs and takes out her claws. However, here claws don't come out. She freezes and stares at her hand. She then realizes that the anklet was blocking her powers. She stands up and glances around. The avengers stand in a group in the far corner. Emma doubles back in shock. "How did they get into the room?" She questions herself. There's more people than last time. Emma walks backwards towards the door, still facing the avengers. Then a metal arm wraps around her neck. She freezes, then starts to wiggle around, trying to get loose. "Save it kid." The suit mutters. She stops, and the avengers step closer. "This is it. I'm dead now." She thinks when the bow and arrow guy draws his bow and let's an arrow fly. She tenses, but the arrow whizzes past her and hits someone behind her. She cranes her neck around to see Agent Yates lying motionless on the floor. Emma gasps at the sight. "Yates." She whispers, tears spilling down her cheeks. The only person that had cared for her was dead now, shot by the father of the children she saved from the day in the woods. The metal arm loosens it's grip and Emma wiggles out. "Stark!" They yell as Emma gets down beside Yates. The room falls silent when Emma starts sobbing uncontrollably. She flips his body over and removes the arrow from his chest. "How could you. He wouldn't have down you any harm. None! What so ever! And you shoot him? He doesn't even want to be an agent. He wouldn't have fought you. He'd of put his gun down and asked for a stupid autograph. He loves you guys. I always have to carry this stupid little card everytime I go on my mission Incase I bump into so guy. He wants him to sign it." Emma pulls the card out of the pocket on her arm and tosses it on the ground Infront of the avengers. "I dont know who that person is. He looks like he's a soldier or something. He kinda looks like you". She points at the man with the frisbee. He picks the card up, and opens his mouth to say something when he is cut off by about 100 people entering the cafeteria at the same time. The room brakes into a battle field. The metal suit grabs Emma by her neck again. He's instantly attacked by multiple agents. As he fights them off all she can do is watch. After about five minutes there's no more than forty agents left. As the fighting continues, the iron suits grip loosens slightly and Emma slips out. She runs towards the door, but is shot by a stray bullet. She collapses beside the door.

The tin man flies over to her and carefully picks her up. He flies through the door and out of the base. Emma winces in pain as he lands and enters a plane. "Put me down" Emma yells at him as he walks through the large aircraft. He places her on a surgical bed and straps one of her arms and one of her legs to the bed. "Stay here, ok? We want to save you." He says calmly. He turns and leaves, yelling something on his way out. A different man appears and rushes to her side. He winces when he sees the amount of blood on her side. "My name is Bruce. Bruce Banner. I don't want to hurt you. I just want to help." She says as he examines the area around the bullet. Emma starts to panic when he picks up a needle. She trys to get up off of the bed but the shackles are blocking her. It reminds her too much of her experience with the experiments in the lab.

"No.no.no". She mutters again and again, like a radio on repeat. By this time the rest of the avengers have entered the plane and stand a save distance away. Emma yanks so hard at the shackle on her wrist that it snaps and her arm flys up. Two men sprint to her side and pin her down. "You may sedate her Bruce. You won't be able to remove it otherwise." The man at her right yells, trying to be heard over the noice of the plane taking off. Bruce hesitates, but grabs another needle and pokes it in her arm. She tenses when the needle makes contact with her skin. The man to her left fixes the shackles and steps back. He grabs a stool and sits by the bed. "My name's Tony Stark. The guy in the metal suit?" He adds when he notices the confused look on Emmas face. She nods and smiles, but deep down shes mad because he prevented her from protecting Yates. "I'm Steve Rogers. Also known as Captain America. I'm the guy on your friends card." Comes a voice from the other side of her. She turns around to face the voice. She looks him up and down. "You own the metal disk thing?" She asks, the sedation shot starting to kick in. Bruce comes to her side and checks her pulse. He seems happy when he sits down. Emmas eyelids start to feel heavy. "Don't fight it." Bruce whispers as he comes to her side. He places an oxygen mask over her mouth. Her eyelids close, and yet again Emma is left in darkness.

claws (Avengers Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें