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"I can't believe this!" Tony yells as he stomps towards them in his suit. "Well, I mean, you can't keep something that hates a cage in a cage can you? It's like fighting fire with fire." Natasha sighs. "We need to get it contained and controlled now. This is the last goddamn time we are fighting it. If we gotta shoot it, I'll do the honours" Clint explains as he grabs his bow. "Spread out, put it to sleep, then confront her. Thats the plan. Let's get this son of a bitch." Tony yells as he stomps towards the door. "You do realize it's a girl Tony, I mean you did just say son of a bitch" Clint says as he chuckles. "Well, it's a bitch, ain't it? It can't take offence to it" Tony giggles.

The group split up across the campus. After almost half an hour they still couldn't spot her. Tony is down by the cell where she was meant to be held. He scans the floor looking for pawprints. His scanner picks up on a trail of abnormally large pawprints. He follows them down a long corridor. The prints become more visible each step,meaning they were fresher. Tony glance up to see a tail plod around the corner. He straightens up and struts around the corner. There was nothing there. He stands for a moment, flustered. He sighs heavily. "Where the fu-". Next thing he was shoved to the ground. He stands up and turns to face the wolf. Claws stands dead still behind him. She doesn't budge. Tony noticed how much thinner she looked. Her eyes were a deep ruby like red. She hunches down, showing her teeth. "C'mon kid. Give it a rest. None of us wanna fight you. Let us help ya out a bit." Tony states calmly. Claws straightens up. She looks the iron suit up and down before sitting. Tony watched as her eyes turned back to there bright, light blue colour. Stunned, Tony walks towards her. He squats down Infront of her. "Jees, I have a way with animals." He chuckles. Claws eyes turn red as she leaps onto him. "God dammit!" Tony yells at the top of his lungs. Yje wolf starts clawing at the suit, trying to find a way through the tough metal.

She rips the chest piece off completely. Tony swears under his breath as he trys to get to his feet. He looks past the wolf Infront of him and sees someone at the end of the hallway. He knew exactly who It was. Clint. Tony watches as the arrow flys through the air. It nails to into the wolfs hind leg. She darts around and without hesitation runs towards him. Clint turns on his heels and makes a break for it. Claws catches up to him within seconds and has him on the ground. Clint screech's as claws bites into his forearm. He trys to pull away from her, but she still has her large canines in his arm. The wolf lets go as the anesthesia starts to get to her. She tumbles backwards towards the wall. She flops onto the ground as she watches Clint hold his arm in agony. That was the last thing she seen before she blacked out.

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