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Emma slams the door as she leaves the hallway. Then storms off down the small flight of stairs. She pauses for a minute, as she realizes she has no where to go. She knew the agents will come and take her at any minute, but where could she go? She would normally hide in the holding area, but the avengers are being contained in there. Then she hears the door open. She turns around to see a couple of agents standing at the top of the stairs. She was cornered, since she was certainly not entering the holding area. She sighs and slowly and slowly walks up the flight of stairs. A pair of cold handcuffs are places around her wrists and she is led back through the hallway above the holding area. She keeps her head down, so she couldn't look at the avengers bellow her.
She is brought to a lab and she waits in the doorway, an agent at each side of her. "Change of plan, next door on the right" a scientist muffles as he reads a set of files with CLAWS spewed across the front cover. She sighs as she is walked into the next room. When she looks at the clair Infront of her, she stumbles back to leave the room. Shes pushed forward and the door is locked with multiple clicks. Two agents grab her and pull her towards the chair. Emma kicks and wiggles in an attempt to break free of their grasp, but fails. They drop her Infront of the chair. This wasn't any chair, it just happened to make everything disappear. Any memories, any thoughts, gone. The part Emma hated most was the pain. Shes shackled into the chair. As the mouthpiece is placed on her mouth she closes her eyes tight, and hopes that it doesn't hurt as bad as the other five times.

The scream is what brings the avengers back to earth in the holding area. The had been exchanging ideas in the small room when the scream was heard. They didn't know what caused it, but they guessed who was screaming. Most of the group had managed to break free of the chains around their wrists, and they were waiting patiently for the rest to do the same. Once everyone was free they snook over to the door. It wasn't locked, so they crepted outside. "Are we getting her or leaving right now?" Nat asks the group. "Look, for all we know that scream came from her. We need to take her." Steve states clearly.
The group nod and split up across the base. It doesn't take long for Steve and Clint to bump into each other. "Have you been down there?" Clint points to a flight of stairs. Steve shakes his head, and then they go together. They are surrounded by rows upon rows of cells. The pair exchange a glance before going in different directions. After a few minutes Clint stops outside a cell. He sees CLAWS spewed across the front of the cage. He glances in and sees the wolf curled up in the far corner. Clint looks down the hall to see Steve looking in the other cells in the row. Clint waves to him, and Steve comes sprinting up the hallway. He stops and looks in the cell. He smiles at Clint. "How do we get her out?" Clint whispers. Steve pulls out a syringe full of a white liquid. He steps into the cage and quietly walks to the wolves side. He injects the needle into the wolf and empties the syringe. He steps back and waits. Clint waits anxiously outside. When Steve picks up the wolf she is completely motionless. The pair smile at each other before heading back to the flight of stairs.

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