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"And I like to say 'welcome back' to all our viewers! I'm Jim Timberlake and reporting with me here in the studio is my co-host, Elise Sally. This is NC-Desk and now it's time for today's top story. Today, August 1st marks the first anniversary of arguably the most iconic personality on the planet."

"Blitz, do you mind turning up the TV volume?" I spoke to my reflection in my bathroom mirror, knowing fully well he heard my request. I slipped some toothpaste unto the brush and began working on my teeth. The TV volume increased while I did so.

"Indeed! It has been exactly one year since the world's first superhero arrived on the scene in the city of New Chronos and captured a global audience."

"That's right, Sally, crime rates in the city have completely flattened which is quite baffling to the justice department and some extent humiliating.
Well, let's not forget that there is yet one criminal mastermind to be apprehended by this living legend and that's none other than the self-proclaimed king of crimes, Alain Archer."

I spat into the sink and rinsed my mouth. There was still a bitter taste there, one I could never brush off, the taste of failure.

"Yes! I'm loving the intensity of the story; the ultimate 'good-guy bad-guy showdown!" Elise boomed.

"But perhaps this might be the only man Tekeon won't be able to take down. Archer has the city on edge with the vast weaponry and gangs he commands. And he always seems to be one step ahead of his pursuers, not that he has many of those anymore, except for 'The Walking Myth'. Moreover, exclusive footage from the Super-Blog, shows Tekeon admitting that he is and I quote 'A human, like you'. Well, I for one can't fly through the sky or punch through steel so the reason why our beloved superhero decided to mock the human race will remain a painful paradox in our hearts don't you think?"

That was the voice of Jim Timberlake, the buffed crewcut reporter. I was surprised the blog post was released already. "Blitz you mad genius, you did it again."

"Indeed I did." He puffed. "I once again took the liberty of recording your entire activity as Tekeon during the chase, from 8 different drone angles-- all cloaking of course."

"But you know I wanted to do the video editing." I unbuttoned my pajama shirt.

"Actually when you came flying back to your bedroom through the window by 5a.m, I asked you if I should get the next post done."

"Hmm. I can't recall much after the explosion." I scratched my hair with a finger."What did I reply?"

"Exactly this; 'hawbababamorrow' before you collapsed on your bed. Since I was unable to translate that coded language, I improvised by cutting out a few ground-level scenes, adding them to the post, and typing about the event in your writing style."

"Mhmm." I stepped into the shower and turned the hot water on. "I debate that I said that."

"Should I play the recording?"

"I concur that I said that. Now please un-pause the news, while I take a shower."

"Playing the news, now."

"Well, not exactly, Jim. If you paid close attention to the part of the article concerning the video, you would see Jason McLean's explanation of how Tekeon
must have implied that he was a human being who acquired superpowers. But that goes to show he does indeed possess some form of vulnerability as does everyone else. The question remains, whatever could it be? Some speculations even hold that his weakness is displaced by his superpowers making him invincible. But given how non-press-friendly he is, this, among many other speculations, is yet to be confirmed. "

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