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Hank brought the van to rest in front of a barnyard. Not a soul could be spotted on the land under the faint glow of moonlight.

"Where are the guards?" I pondered before recalling I had a more pressing matter to attend to.

I hollered. "Everybody, out." And the doors slid open. In seconds, my men had vacated the van, along with Nic who filed out last.

Upfront, Hank had unbuckled his seatbelt and was about to get up from his seat. But a clasp on his shoulder made him sit tight. "Not you." My voice was barely a mummer.

I could feel it in my soul; pure, undiluted fear. Such a thing must have been reflecting on my face, no?

Donning a pair of dark shades, I faced my men from inside the vehicle. "Everyone-" I cleared my throat. Making my voice deeper, sterner. "Everyone into the barn. Pop open the trunks and get familiar with those weapons. Nic, I trust you can explain how they work?"

He squared his shoulders, trying to sound braver than he looked. "Yes, Uncle. We snagged a pretty detailed instruction manual alongside the weapons."

I nodded. "Poursuivre."

All ten of them turned and headed toward the massive red barn, leaving me, my thoughts and the henchmen I trusted the most.

A deep sigh broke the silence. "Hank, over two weeks ago you took a bullet for me in a shootout. That was the point where I knew I could trust you with my life. And hence," a short pause as I breathed out the words. "The life of Cameron."

Hank twisted back as far as his seat could let him. "I...I don't understand."

"His new eye, it arrives next week. In case I don't come out of this alive, I want you to promise me that you'll make sure the eye gets to him and you'll take him safely to his mother."

He looked startled, and rightfully so. "You're always calculated, Boss. One step ahead. Are you sure I'm the right person for this?"

"I like the image I've created. But no one can be one step ahead of a sudden alien invasion. You're right." I leaned forward, face bleak and hands stiffly laced. "You are a rushed choice. But you are also the best choice I've got. I would have entrusted him to Nic but my nephew and the streets are...polar opposites. So, can you promise me?"

He barely hesitated. "I give you my word."

I feigned a smile. "Good. Now drive to my mansion, and stay by his side."

"But Boss, don't you need all hands on deck?"

"Those are your orders, Hank. If worse comes to worst, I'm counting on you to protect Cameron at all costs."

"The 'Walking Myth' couldn't kill you. That red bastard can't. I'll see you back at the mansion, Boss."

A grin spread across my face. "I'll be there as soon as I've dealt with our pest problem. While you wait for me though, check out the fireplace, it's more important than it seems."

The moment I hopped off the van, the engine started.

Alright. My focus shifted as I trod towards the barn. Let's get down to business.

The closer I came, the more I could make out the shapes of farmers sprawled across the soil with their joints twisted abnormally. No movement. There were definitely dead.

My stomach knotted in dissatisfaction. "So this is what happened to my guards. So much for disguises."

I pushed the groaning wooden doors open and walked in on a Nic lecture.

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