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"Lianlian~" Shi Qingxuan sings as she tumbles into him. "Shi Qingxuan, hello." Xie Lian says laughing. The girl had spotted him as he was leaving his morning lecture and had practically sprinted across the university grounds to get to him.

So much for getting away early and napping at home. But honestly having friends is a better alternative to napping all day so he's not mad. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" He smiles. "You ran an awful long way to say your wearing heels. Are your feet okay?"

Shi Qingxuan pouts. "I told you to call me something else, at least call me Shi-jie. As for the other. Guess I'm just built diff." She shrugs.

Xie Lian tilts his head, he's never heard that saying before. But more importantly. "You're older than me?" He asks.

A strange look glazes over Shi Qingxuan's eyes. "Yeah... I am now." Xie Lian nods sadly. Can he ever have one thing to brag about to his friend? He neither taller or older! That's not fair!

Shi Qingxuan easily reaches 6 foot with her heels on and Xie Lian's pitying 5 foot 7 is still shorter than her in flats at 5 foot 10. He supposed that's what models are tho. All leg like Shi Qingxuan says. Fashion designer or not Shi Qingxuan is definitely like those models he sees in shops and billboards.

Accepting his defeat he caved in yet again to Shi Qingxuan herself. "Okay then jiejie what do you need?" Xie Lian asks.

Shi Qingxuan squeals. Stomping her feet happily. Heels clacking on the path. "You!" She declares bopping his nose. "I need your cute self to come with me!" And with that she starts dragging Xie lian towards the fashion department by the arm.

"Come on! Come on Lianlian!" She laughs pulling him along. "We don't have all day!" It's only just turned 12, they still have a full half a day. What on earth has got them so excited?

"You seem very excited. What are we going to be doing?" Xie Lian asks innocently.

"..." Xie Lian gapes. "Umm... pardon?"

Shi Qingxuan huffs. "Like I've said twice now. Take off your clothes."

Xie Lian blinks slowly for the third time. "But why? Jiejie you can't just demand I strip with no further explanation!" He argues back clutching at his clothes. "I'm not that sort of person! I'm not that shameless! Jiejie please save me some face!!" He whines.

The girls face softens into a familiar loving one. "Oh Lianlian, you never change. It's okay all I need to do is a quick fitting on you. You know... Pin some seams, tack up a hem or two, the classic seamstress stuff." She says pointing to a suit bag hanging on a changing divider.

"You can't put that on over your clothes so off! off!" She says turning around. "Im not looking, just go behind the screen, you did say you'd be my model."

Xie Lian caves in. He really did say that didn't he? Oh well what's a favour for a friend? "Okay fine I'm going I'm going. Your model is going." He says pouting as he undresses.

It's not even the fact Shi Qingxuan is in the room with him. Even with the screen separating them he just... he just hates to see himself in any way.

Clothes only help a bit, the more layers the better, but the scars seem to burn though into his eyes no matter. It's hideous. Monstrous. Disfigured.

So he doesn't look much anymore. Has no mirrors around the house except one small one in the bathroom. But he's stared too much in the past. Even with his eyes closed he could easily point them all out. The big, the jagged and, the ugly. Xie Lian shakes his head. Focus on doing what he's told! Don't let the mind wander. Shut it off let nothing through but that about fashion and nothing more.

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