Chapter 13: Sickness

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The next day Shin woke up feeling terrible. Her whole body was uncomfortably hot and achy, her stomach was in knots and she felt even more exhausted than she had before she'd gone to sleep. Haruhi was only slightly surprised to see how sick her sister seemed to be once she'd woken up. Though She had half expected such a thing to happen, her big sister usually got sick after having really bad panic attacks. With all the stress she'd been under the day before it was no surprise the young girl was sick.

Haruhi also wasn't surprised to find herself locked out of their bedroom as soon as she left. Shin always had a bad habit of self isolation when she actually became sick. It usually ended up with haruhi and their father having to break down the doors to get to her after she'd thoroughly exhausted herself trying to disinfect the entire room and herself. In the end she would usually end up sleeping through the bulk of the sickness in between cleaning sprees. It was always extremely difficult to deal with her but there was nothing they could do, they couldn't afford to hospitalize her every time she got sick and she refused to be in the same room as anyone while sick no matter what precautions they tried.

Today would be no different from any other day shin was sick. At least that's what haruhi thought until she went out to get medicine and groceries only to see the entire host club waiting at her door once she got back. She sighed not wanting the extra stress the host club would provide as tamaki very loudly lamented the fugiokas living conditions. He was yelling about not saying anything insulting about the way they lived so they wouldn't kick the host club out. She tried to yell at them to leave but then the land lady came over and asked about loan sharks and yakuza. She tried to reassure the older woman until tamaki came along and swept her off her feet.

Somehow they all ended up at the door to the fujioka residence as Haruhi warned them they could come in and look around for a minute but that was all. She'd made the mistake of telling them they had to be quiet because shin was sick which caused tamaki to instantly go into a panic and start banging on the door to shins room asking if she was still alive. Haruhi tried to stop him but it was to late as there was a crash from inside the room. Which brought the whole of the host club to the door a few seconds later Haruhi's phone began to ring. She cringed at the ring tone as she knew exactly who was calling. She answered it and instantly a voice was heard both through the phone and the door "HARUHI FUJIOKA WHY ARE THE HOST CLUB HERE! IT'S BAD ENOUGH YOU AND FATHER MUST BE HERE WHY ARE YOU RISKING THEIR GETTING INFECTED!? ARE YOU INSANE!?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND! GET OUT! NOW! ALL OF YOU! I'M NOT GOING TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR DEATHS TO!-.." Her screaming fit was soon interrupted by a horrible coughing fit and a moment later the sound of violent vomiting. Haruhi ignored her sisters anger and the host clubs shock as she pushed past them to the door knocking gently and fervently as she said "Shin! Are you ok?" The sound of shins phone falling to the floor and more retching could be heard as Haruhi started to panic a bit. The fear seeped into her voice as she'd all but forgotten the host clubs presence yelling a bit louder "Shin! Open the door! Please! Just for a minute!" Another thud was heard and then the sound of choking following soon after.

It was then the host club took action, honey gently pulling the panicked Haruhi away from the door before mori proceeded to rip said door from its hinges. Surprisingly Kyoya was the first to run in and see shin passed out choking on her own vomit. The sight caused him to hesitate for a moment feeling a confusing rush of emotions before pushing them away and going to help shin. He'd already called his family's hospital and had them send an ambulance to their location but it would be a few minutes until they got here and shin was in trouble now. He gently rolled her onto her side, allowing the vomit to clear her throat and give her some air. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and tried to clean the poor girl up a bit but it was futile. The site of her covered in vomit and pale as paper was alarming when he was so used to seeing shin pristine and healthy. He got Haruhi to help him clean her up and then allowed her to be changed by her sister as he called for a professional cleaning crew to clean up the house for the fujiokas. Ranka showed up as the ambulance did and he and Haruhi rode with her to the hospital. The host club following closely behind in their limo, all with grave looks on their faces.

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