Chapter 10: Panic at the resort. Pt1

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(the picture above is mine, it is made by me and you may not use it or claim it as your own! It is what shin looks like in her outfit. Also just in case someone points out that neither haruhi's mother or father have purple eyes, in this story I'm saying shin got her eye color from her mother.)

The next morning I woke up earlier then usual thanks to my anxiety and anticipation. In the few hours before I needed to get ready for school I scrubbed the house from top to bottom and packed a bag with everything and anything I could think that the club might need at the resort.

Once everything was packed up and the house was clean I had just enough time to get ready for school and make breakfast. After agonizing over which style I wanted to go with I finally chose the fifth outfit from the day before. I liked how mature it made me look, it brought out the more adult aspects of my beauty instead of the more child like aspects I usually highlighted. I pulled my hair into two low pigtails with some gold hair ties and added a bit of light blush and a pale peach shade of lipstick to pull the look together. Once I was satisfied with the finished product I got to work on breakfast.

As I was cooking Haruhi walked into the kitchen, fully awake and ready for the day. I smiled towards her as I said "good morning Haru, how did you sleep?" she looked just the slightest bit surprised when she saw me. she began brewing some green tea as she said "good morning shin, I slept well. Is there something special happening today? You don't usually wear makeup." I blushed just slightly as I dished out the food and said "nothing all that special really, I just felt like looking a bit more mature today." I brought the plates of food into the living room as Haru brought the tea and just as we'd sat down to eat father came out of his room and took a seat across from us. He was already dressed for work in a beautiful blue dress. We all ate and talked before finally leaving for school and work respectively.

I found it much harder to concentrate on class throughout the day, my mind just kept going back to the resort and what all could possibly go wrong. I got so anxious that a couple times I had to excuse myself from class to calm myself down in the nurses office. Between my anxiety over the resort, my anxiety over how much skin my outfit showed and my anxiety over how dirty everything was I was an anxious wreck all day. The closer to the end of the day it got the less anticipation I felt and the more anxiety it was replaced with. By the time the limo showed up to pick me up my nerves were so frayed I felt I'd never be calm again.

My entire body was tense as I hesitantly got into the limo, being extra careful not to touch my skin to anything. I sat on the edge of the seat with my back as stiff as a board the entire ride and when we got to the facility I was all to happy to leave the limo. At the moment everything felt dirty to me, it didn't matter how much the limo had smelt of cleaning supplies.

For a moment a relaxed smile met my face and the tension melted from my body when I saw kyoya waiting for me outside the facility. I waved to him as I approached and said "hello Ootori, is everyone inside already?" despite my moment of relaxation at the sight of him there was obvious tension in my voice when my attention went back to the facility. I gripped the bag on my shoulder with both hands as my mind again started running through everything that could possibly go wrong in the facility and now that I could see it's size the possibilities only seemed to multiply.

I could feel my hands begin to shake as I gripped the strap even tighter, trying to hide just how terrified the facility made me. I flinched when I felt a hand touch my shoulder where the fabric of my dress was. It quickly pulled away as my attention snapped back onto kyoya. He seemed to be studying me as he said "as I was saying fujioka, yes everyone is already inside. If your anxiety is to high you don't have to go in. I can have the limo bring you home." I frowned and shook my head at the absurdity of the option. I couldn't help looking at him like he was stupid as I said "and leave you all here? I think not, that'll do nothing for my already frayed nerves. What if something happens and I'm not here to stop it or help with it? I'll blame myself the rest of my life if anyone gets hurt because I wasn't here to help, I'll slip into a deep depression and die filthy, dehydrated and starving in my bed cause I won't have the will to live anymore. I'm not going through that again so lead the way."

Something I said seemed to catch his attention since I could see the curiosity in his eyes but he said nothing, instead choosing to turn and lead me inside the facility. As we walked through the thick jungle that was the resort my mind just kept adding to the list of possible things that could go wrong. The imaginary stress meter in my head had long since broken from the amount of anxiety the resort was causing me. I was honestly proud of myself for not just completely breaking down yet. I was shocked from my stress and anxiety as kyoya said "by the way fujioka, you look very nice today, though you look beautiful in anything." I could feel as the blood rushed to my face, my cheeks no doubt turning a burning shade of red. My mind seemed to skip like a scratched record for a few seconds as I was stunned by his comment. I couldn't remember a time he'd ever complimented my looks before and his sudden kind words were enough to stun my anxious mind into silence. The only thing running through my mind was a simple question, why the sudden compliment?

I'd been so shocked by his compliment that I'd stopped walking and simply stood staring at him. My eyes were drawn to his lips as they turned up just slightly in a seemingly triumphant smirk. His next words pulled me back to reality "something wrong fujioka?" the teasing lilt in his voice caused my face to heat up even more as I shook my head and quickly jogged to catch up to him before matching my pace with his. I stared down at my hands as I quietly said "nothings wrong, I was just surprised. You've never complimented my looks before." I could see the slight surprise on his face out of the corner of my eye before he softly said "I suppose you're right fujioka, I apologize for not saying something sooner."

I stopped walking and gently grabbed kyoya's sleeve to stop him as well as I said "kyoya-senpai, can I ask you something?" I could tell we were close to the others, I could already hear the twins and tamaki goofing around like always and I didn't want to ask around them. There was a flicker of curiosity in his eyes as he stopped and looked back at me expectantly, nodding to signal I could ask. I bit my lip, suddenly feeling a bit bashful as I rolled the question I wanted to ask around in my head for a second, trying to be sure I'd picked the right words. Kyoya was kind enough to stay silent as he waited for me to speak.

It took a moment of thinking before I decided to just ask "why are you so kind to me? I mean I can understand wanting to be on my good side since I could pull Haruhi from the club with a simple call but you were kind to me when we first met, before you knew exactly who I was. Why is that?" he again seemed just slightly surprised by my question. But then that slight teasing smirk came back as he quietly said "I wonder." before beginning to walk again. I pouted as I let go of his sleeve and followed after him, not exactly satisfied with his answer.

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