Chapter 6: Deals

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I spent about three hours at the expo and managed to get two new contacts, both weren't very powerful people but they would be good if I ever needed information. When I finally got home I was exhausted and felt disgusting from being around so many people for so long.

Haru was cooking dinner when I got home and I waved at her before quickly going to the bathroom and scrubbing myself until I couldn't possibly be more clean. I put on my pj's which was just an eeyore onesie, I liked it better when as much of my skin was covered as possible. When I came back to the living room dinner was ready I thanked Haruhi and quickly ate my food. I was feeling a bit nauseous afterward and started to worry as I usually did.

I started to think I might be sick with the flu or maybe have a stomach ulcer. It kept bugging me, my stomach did sorta hurt and I did have a bit of heartburn along with my nausea. I hid my worries from Haruhi since I knew she'd say I was overreacting and it was just my hypochondria but I wasn't so sure. I tried to sleep but by midnight I was sure I had a stomach ulcer. I knew I couldn't go to any nearby hospitals they all knew me and always dismissed my worries as nothing more then my hypochondria.

By 1 AM I was finally desperate and decided to call kyoya and ask if perhaps he could have one of his family doctors check me over in the morning or something like that. My stomach was still hurting pretty badly and I certainly still felt nauseous. I dialed up his number and called him while sitting outside so Haruhi wouldn't wake up and hear me. He answered on the third ring by saying "hello this is kyoya ootori, who might I ask am I speaking with?" he sounded tired and it made me slightly worried for some reason, why was he up so late?

I quickly pushed the worry and questions away and said "hello Mr. Ootori this is shin fujioka I was wondering if you could perhaps have one of your family doctors give me a checkup tomorrow. I believe I may have a stomach ulcer." there was a pause on the other line and then he spoke "alright I can arrange something but In exchange I want to know. How did you get my phone number?"

I smirked lightly and took out a tape recorder pressing record as I said "that seems fair, alright so the deal is if I tell you how I got your phone number you will have one of the doctors under your families employ check to see if I am healthy and stomach ulcer free tomorrow?" again another pause then he said "yes that is correct, you will owe me nothing but an explanation of how you got this number."

I smiled and said "alright it's a deal, I hope you don't mind I recorded this conversation as proof for the future that I am not in your debt." i heard him chuckle lightly and say "that's completely fine. Now how did you get my number?" I turned the recording off and said "my father told me your number because he knows how much I worry for Haruhi and he thought you would be able to soothe my fears when Haruhi is out of my sight."

I thought I could hear nearly silent laughter over the phone which was confirmed by kyoya's tone of voice as he said "of course, how could I not realize?" I smiled lightly and asked "would you be willing to answer a question of my own as well Mr. Ootori?" another few seconds of silence until "perhaps, that depends on the question miss fujioka." i began to play with my fingers as I became slightly bashful. My voice grew slightly whiny as I asked "why did you agree to have one of your families doctors see me? You know I'm a hypochondriac this could very likely be nothing at all, even I can admit that."

This time there wasn't a pause he answered right away with a question of his own "do you think your symptoms are nothing at all?" I hesitated a moment before I said "well no, I think it's very likely I've developed a stomach ulcer. There's a dull pounding ache in my abdomine and I'm nauseous." i was slightly surprised and interested in his logic as he said "well then it's worth looking into. Ignoring your worries won't help you in the slightest and though this may very well be your hypochondria it's much better to be sure your perfectly healthy then to just say you are without proof. Now you should get some sleep, I'll have a doctor come over to your house first thing in the morning."

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