3. Recovery and Discovery

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I hear a steady beeping noise like a heart monitor or a grocery store clerk checking out groceries. I couldn't tell if I found the beeping comforting or annoying. But either way I need to wake up now. So I slowly and reluctantly open my heavy eyes just to quickly closes them again to shield them from the brightness of the room.

Once my eyes adjust to the light, I calmly take in my new surroundings. It seems I'm in a small, white hospital room hooked up to a heart monitor. Okay, now that I know where I am. I just need to remember how I got here.

Oh, wait.

Now I remember!

My parents had just finished there inner dimensional portal and they were turning it on for the first time. But it didn't work. When they left I got curious and went in... Then it turned on.

The portal is gone and along with all of my parents' life work. Not to mention the house. We'll definitely have to move. This is all my fault. If I never went in that portal none of this would be happening. What's going to happen now?

Just then I hear the sound of the door to my room open. So I slowly sat up to see who came in only to see a head of familiar green hair facing the ground. I couldn't help but call out to him in surprise, "Izu?"

Izu shot his head up at my voice in surprise. For a moment he stood there and stared at me wearing his now clean school uniform while holding a small bouquet of flowers. Seeing the flowers I ask with a small smile, "is that for me, Izu? That's very sweet of you."

Suddenly his big green eyes flooded with tears. As he ran at me he dropped the bouquet and gleefully exclaimed, "DANNY!!!"

I fell back slightly as he tackles me with a hug as he cried in relief and said, "Danny, I'm so happy you're awake! I was so worried!"

"Izu, I'm fine. I promise. Please, calm down," I said calmly to try and ease Izu's worries.

It took a few minutes for Izu to calm down. Once he did, he pulled away from are hug, I see streams of tears running down his cheeks as he said, "Danny I was so scared when you suddenly collapsed and changed back. I-I didn't know what to do or-or what to say to your family."

Izu stared rambling on and on until realization hit me and I asked, "did you say, changed back?"

Izu stoped rambling and just stared for a moment then gave me a small silent nod. Without much thought I looked to the window on my right and see my reflection in the glass. My long white hair was black once again and my glowing toxic green eyes were back to bright sky blue. I couldn't help but to stare in shock. I was back to normal, I almost couldn't believe it. Still in shock I turned back to Izu and asked, "what happened?"

With a nervous expression Izu scratched the back of his head and explained, "w-well when we got to the first floor and saw that your family was okay. You fainted mid-air changing back to normal in the process. Your family was shocked, of course. They demanded we tell them what happened and we did word for word.

"When Kacchan and I finished explaining they were still rather in shock. Then we all heard shouting from outside. That seemed to snap your family out of there shock and your mom told us to never tell anyone what happened in the lab and that we were upstairs the whole time. Just then the heroes came in and got us all out of the house. We were all checked out by the ambulance workers. You and your family were stent straight to the hospital. Kacchan and I stayed behind for questioning and once that was done we went straight home. It's been two days days sense you fell unconscious and admitted into the hospital."

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