7. What I Can Do

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"The lowest scorer will be expelled...?"

"It's only the first day! I mean, even if it weren't... That's totally unfair!!"

"Natural disasters... Highway pileups... Rampaging villains... Calamity is always right around the corner. I'd say Japan is full of unfair things. Heroes are the ones who correct all that unfairness," Mr, Aizawa explained with a bored sigh.

"If you were hoping to send your evenings hanging out at McDonald's. I sorry to tell you. That for the next three years U.A. will run you through the wringer. The plus ultra. Use your strength to overcome it all. So bring it. The demonstration is over. Now it's for real," he continued with an eerie grin as he made a 'come at me gesture'.

Oh boy. What do I do? He said to go all out, but can I really? If I go all out I'll have to go ghost. Jumpsuit and all. If only I could go ghost without changing into the jumpsuit, that would make this so much easier.


Before I even knew it, the quirk assessment  started. While Ida and a girl with a frog quirk were  doing the 50-meter dash. I still couldn't figure out what I was going to do about how to use my powers. So I turned to one of two people here who knew of my powers.

"Hey Izu, what do you think I should do about my... quirk? I mean every time I transform into my alter ego my clothes turn into that jumpsuit," I whispered to Izu nervously.

"How about just using your quirk and not transforming," Izu suggested with a nervous look.

"I would but I can't do as much in this form as I can in my other. Not to mention I'm not as strong in this form," I explained to Izu with a nervous look of my own.

Before Izu could reply back Katsuki jumped in angrily having overheard us, "you better not go holder back on me, loser. I want to see just what your capable of. So I can see just how much better I am."

With that Katsuki turned away with a grunt. Izu looked at me nervously then at Katsuki then me again as he asked with a stutter, "w-what are you g-going to do now?"

"I don't know. But if I don't transform I'll never never hear the end of it," I told Izu with a tired sigh just as Ida and the frog girl finished. Next up was the girl with the short brown hair and a blond boy with a tail. I really got to learn that girls name. Time seemed to fly by and before I knew it, it was my turn. It feels like a walk of doom as I made my way to the starting point along with a boy with red and white hair. I really have no choice do I? If I don't go all out I could be expelled. If I really got expelled I don't know if I'll ever be able to face the disappointed look of my family. So, I have no choice. I have to go ghost!

As I finally reach the starting line, I close my as I take a deep breath. As I go ghost in a flash of white light, I send out a silent prayer I do not change into my jumpsuit. As I open I hear a series of gasp. But that's not what surprises me. What surprises me is that I'm still wearing my U.A. gym uniform. Only now the dark blue is now black and the red accent on the sleeves are now neon green. The only color that stayed the same was the white that spelled out U.A.

"I didn't know I could do that," I very quietly whisper to myself as I take my position. All I can do is ignore the whispers and stares as I wait for the go.


As soon as I herd the machine, I took off flying as fast as I could. The boy with the red and white  hair was right behind me, speeding along with his ice quirk. Before I knew it, the 50-meter dash had ended and I had finished almost a full second before the boy did. I have no idea what my time on that was but I figure it must have been fast. Considering the fact my parents have clocked me going 112mph when in flight.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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