5. The Letter

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It's only been one week and my nerves are completely shot. This letter truly can't get here fast enough. I've tried to keep myself distracted by training with my new ghost power and it's helped so far. But now that the end of the week is closing in, not even training can keep me distracted. On the bright side I now have a little more control over my new power. Unlike when I came home after the test and showed my family my new power and ended up blasting my dad when we tried to high-five each other. Also during this endless week of waiting, we got a title for that weird glowing stuff that shoots out from my hands. My parents named it ecto-energy.

Which just so happens to come from ectoplasm. Ectoplasm is a supernatural viscous substance that is supposed to exude from the body of a medium during a spiritualistic trance and from the material for the manifestation of spirits. So the fact that I can admit this ecto-energy means I have ectoplasm through out my entire body right down to my molecules and DNA. My parents believe this is the reason why I can change my physical appearance as I please. My parents have also come to the conclusion that the ectoplasm in my body become stronger in my ghost form. Which explains why my blood is bright green in my ghost form and red in my normal form.

All I can think about is the U.A. letter that has yet to even come. Having no appetite at all, all I could do through out dinner was pick at my mash potato and green beans with a clear frown on my face. My actions and mood clearly annoying my mom as she points out, "not eating and being in a gloomy mood all the time is not going to make the letter get here any faster. Now eat your dinner. You'll need your energy for training tomorrow."

I know mom is right. But I still can't help the feelings of nervousness and impatience. So for now all I can do is force down some dinner so I don't worry my family anymore then I clearly already have.

Once dinner was done I take my plate to the sink and go up to my room. Luckily tonight's dishes are Ryuu's responsibility, because I feel way too emotionally exhausted for much of anything right now. After a quick shower and changing into a pair of fuzzy pajamas, I sit on my bed and continue to think about the letter.

Then Izu and Katsuki come to mind. I can't help but wonder if they got their letters yet? I look over to my left and stare at the old Halloween pitcher I found in the old house, now neatly framed and sitting nicely on my dark wood bedside table next to my black adjustable lamp. I have no doubt Katsuki going to get in, that damn Pomeranian has practically been training all his life for this. Izu on the other hand has been studying heroes most of his life. I know Izu has the determination to do it but I don't know if he has the strength to pull it off.

Of course, then theirs me. I gave up the moment I found out I quirkless. With that kind of attitude do I even deserve to get into U.A.? The only reason I'm even trying to get into U.A. is because of my new abilities and it's unpredictabilities.

I shouldn't dawdle on the past. What's done is done. But even so. Now that I'm older I can't help but realize that the world now practically revolves around quirks way too much. I mean from how I see it now having what people consider a good or dad quirk can practically determine your whole future. That fact to me just seems so wrong and I just can't put it to words. I guess all I can really do is hope the world changes for the better.

"I'm tired," I said aloud with a sigh as I turn out the lights.


The next day wasn't much better then the last. After breakfast and waking up. I put in a solid hour of training in my normal form before taking a brake. Then going at it again for a another solid hour in my ghost form. All while my parents and brother studied my ecto-energy and how it affects my body along with whatever is around me. So it was a typical day like any other that is until right after lunch when my brother and parents discovered something new.

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