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I stand in the kitchen, adjusting my pyjamas as I make some cereal. I walk over to the kitchen table to sit down before I hear the front door unlocking, that means Jane is finally home.

"Diana I'm home!"

"And I am in the kitchen Jane!" I shout back, walking the kitchen doorframe before she peaks her head in.

"Oh, hello." She says, walking over to the counter where she drops her things down. She's been later than usual recently and it's lonely being here by myself, I have Sadie but still.

"How was work?" I look at her, scooping up a spoon full of my lucky charms.

"It was fine...Same old, same old." She smiles slightly, walking over to the table, joining me as she sits at the chair beside mine.

"How was your day?" She asks crossing one leg over the other as she pulls out a cigarette making me huff, I hate her smoking inside. I hate her smoking in general...

"Fine, I got invited to a party next weekend." I pull one of my legs up onto the chair as Jane looks at me, surprised but also with a tired look as she inhales all the bad things a cigarette contains.

"And are you going to go? Do you have your eye on any boys this year?" She smiles and I do too, rolling my eyes.

"I don't know and no." I reply and she reaches across the table, grabbing the ashtray.

"You have never talked to me about your crushes, go on, tell me. Even a celebrity crush." She smiles and I eat some more of my cereal so I can think of a response...

"I don't like anyone, I've never had a crush on any boys." I purse my lips awkwardly and Jane looks at me. I mean Melody—she's—I don't even know her but she's pretty and nice. I'd like to be her friend, not Ciara's though.

"...And what about girls?" She sits up straight looking at me and I drop my spoon causing some milk to splash onto the table. I don't know how I should answer that question—I wasn't expecting it. I don't know what response I would get if I answered truthfully. I've always found girls pretty—more than pretty, they make my heart race in a way boys don't.

"I don't know...I mean I'm eighteen and haven't even had my first kiss, it's embarrassing and I'm unsure. I don't feel any attraction towards boys but some girls, I find them pretty. Not pretty but you know...attractive." I shrug and she nods as I suck in a deep breath, trying to steady my heart that seems to think I'm after running a marathon by the way it's beating.

"It doesn't matter what age you have your first kiss. It's also okay to be confused about your feelings, I'm not saying you liking girls is confusion. If you do, I support you one hundred thousand percent, I've dated girls. They are very different to men." Jane smiles and my mouth falls open slightly.

"You dated a girl? Are you bisexual?" I ask her and she shakes her head. I furrow my eyebrows, confused and she puts her cigarette down in the ashtray.

"I don't label myself, if anything I would say I'm pansexual if I did have to put a label on it. I date anyone I like, their gender doesn't matter to me." She shrugs and I nod, taking in the new information...Information that is a shock to me.

"It's getting late, you should go to bed for school, kiddo." She says and I smile, standing up.

"I should, goodnight, Jane." I quickly hug her before leaving the kitchen, I go to walk up the stairs and I see Janes work badge hanging up. She needs that to get into work but she came straight into the kitchen...

Maybe she has another one or something?

I ignore it, walking up the stairs and into my bedroom, I see Sadie up on my bed and I smile turning off the light and closing the door. I walk over lifting the blanket and laying down before I rub Sadie's head.

nothing lasts forever{wlw, teacherxstudent}Where stories live. Discover now