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"Diana you've grown so much, you look exactly like your mother." My dad gets up from the couch looking at me with a small smile, I feel frozen. Like my feet are glued to the floor. He looks the same, tall brown hair that's mostly grey now though with blue eyes and his slightly tan skin. He touches my arm and my whole body tenses and I look at him.

"You bastard." I slap his hand away from me turning walking quickly away, out the door. Maybe I shouldn't have cursed. I slam the door and walk down the drive hearing the door open again.

"Diana, wait!" I hear Jane shout, I turn quickly but all I feel is hurt. Hurt that I was locked into a fucking closet and Charlie didn't even let me out, Melody left me in there and when I came out people were laughing and videoing. I'm hurt that my aunt has probably. Not probably she has been sleeping with my dad, the man who was married to her own blood. The man who had a drinking problem and started hitting me before packing up and leaving without a goodbye. The man who used to be a completely different person, the man who was supposed to be my father but left like he was nothing to me.

"You should have told me Jane!" I raise my voice feeling tears in my eyes again.

"I was going to...I was going to tell you tomorrow I promise Diana but-"

"He hurt me Jane, you told me I'm better off without him and my mom. You told me you hated them both more than I hated them. You told me you would kick his ass if you saw him but instead you're licking it....literally." I wave my hands around.

"Diana that was years ago, he's changed really he-"

"He hurt me! He fucking hit me! He left with a mom who done nothing but leave bruises on me, I was a child. Do you know what it does to a child to have their parents go from the perfect parents to parents who turn in each other and take it out on their child? You are a fucking dickhead!" I shout, Jane look at me her eyes tearing up.

"Diana, I done everything for you. I helped you out of that house. I cut all ties with my sister for you! I raised you with the little money I had because of the shit they put you through!" She shouts walking down the driveway towards me.

"I didn't ask you to do that, but I'm so grateful you did it. I'll never be able to repay you."

"He makes me happy Diana! Can't I be happy?" She says.

"Be happy. But I won't stay here." I walk past her back inside. I run up to my bedroom and to my closet taking out a big bag. I shove some clothes and other essentials into it quickly before going to the bathroom getting other things. I swing the bag over my shoulder and walk out of my bedroom and down the stairs, Sadie runs over to me and I scratch her head.

"I love you girl." I smile and lean down kissing her head.

"Diana." I hear him say.

"Leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you." I huff grabbing my keys and walking out of the house slamming the door again. I would take Sadie but I actually have nowhere to go. I walk to my car getting in throwing my bag into the backseat. I shouldn't drive but I have to. I take out my phone and text Floyd from work.

Are you still at work?

Out back for a quick break, why?

Some stuff happened at home, nothing to worry about but I can't really stay there. I would stay at a hotel but I don't have a lot of money or anyone else to ask. Can I stay at your place for a day or two? I'll stay on the couch. It's totally fine if not!

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