𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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"Happy thanksgiving Cindy, thank you for inviting us over. Jane brought wine of course." I smile as Cindy hugs me in the doorway. I look around for Charlie.

"He's upstairs, you go on up." She steps back and Jane comes inside, the both start talking and I quickly run up the stairs to Charlie's room. I open his door and he was laying on his bed on his phone, he looks at me and sits up quickly.

"Diana, I'm sorry for what I said. It was such a dick move, I was so rude. Kai's friends took his phone and they looked through our messages, he's not out and all his friends have been saying stuff since they saw the messages. They've called me every name under the sun, they said Kai doesn't like me and he's playing." He gets up coming over wrapping me in a hug. I hug him back and sigh.

"Assholes. Why would Kai let them say all that?"

"Because it's not easy to come out. Especially since he's the straightest looking guy to walk earth."


"Diana it's true, did you think he was straight before I liked him?"

"Well—yeah because that's what everyone assumes...that people are straight even though people just shouldn't—but anyway who's saying things?"

"Just Milo and stuff, it's fine though. Are you excited for your date with miss snow?" He asks and I bite the inside of my cheek.

"Uh...We're actually not going on one anymore. She doesn't like me and she was basically crying because of her ex wife—she slept with her too, just a few weeks ago. So, I don't think that's gonna work out." I sit into Charlie's bed and he sits beside me.

"Who would have thought both of us would be sitting here both gay as fuck and both heartbroken." Charlie says and I fall back putting my hands to my face.

"She slept with her ex wife Charlie, for all I know I could have slept with her the day before or after. Who else is she sleeping around with? Fuck her and her stupid sexy face." I get up frustrated.

"Did you just say 'her stupid sexy face'?"

"Yes I did."

✺ ✺ ✺
-Natalie's POV-

I decided to wear a red dress with a leather jacket along with my black boots. I also decided to go to my parents house for thanksgiving.

I walk up the drive before opening the door, I need something to drink to deal with this shit.

"Aunty Nat!" I see Lilah get up as I go to the living room, she runs around the couch and I pick her up.

"Hello princess, you've grown." I tickle her side and she starts laughing. She wraps her arms around the back of my neck, she's six now. The last time I saw her she just turned four, I've FaceTimed her a few times but I'm still surprised she remembers who I am. I thought she would forget.

"Where is your dad?" I ask her and she points to the kitchen. I walk to the kitchen and most of them are there, Carson, Caleb, Camila, Anna and my mom and dad.

"Did you get your lips done?" Camila asks as I walk in.

"No...?" I look at her weird, I haven't seen her in a few months. Carson smiles at me and walks over. I wrap my arms around him.

"Wow you got taller." He says and I hit his arm.

"Shut up, I've always been tall." I lean back from the hug and my mom starts mumbling.

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