Chapter 2 (This is not Home)

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This is not Home

Leila Lambordi stared at the familiar huge black gates in front of her. Her heart was beating loudly in her chest. She slowly looked at her right to see her brother. He was busy on his laptop but Leila knew better. His whole attention was on her.

Unlike her other brothers, he never ignored her. He always watched out for her. He knew, he always knew when she was happy, sad or in some trouble. He also knew what happened to her that day before the rest of their brothers could find out.

The car stopped and the door was opened by one of the guard. Leila silently stepped out and looked up at the huge mansion standing proudly in front of her. It was her home. No it wasn't home. It was her cage. A prison. It was heavily guarded. Not even a fly could escape from here but Leila did.

Last time she managed to get away from here to catch a small orb of freedom but this time it wasn't going to happen. She get to leave because they allowed her. But this time there was no chance that they would let her leave.

Leila hesitated to move. But a hand was placed on her shoulder. She flinched. He squeezed her shoulder lightly.

"Don't create a scene here now." He warned.

Leila bite the inside of her cheek as he started to move. She was forced to move along side him.

As soon as she stepped inside, a loud clapping sound welcomed her. She winced.

"Oh lookie lookie lookie who's back!" Another familiar voice reached her ears.

"Tell me Angelo! How did our precious little sister greeted you after seeing you for the first time in these 3 years? Because she certainly doesn't seem happy to see me."

Angelo didn't bother to respond. He gave Leila a look and removed his hand from her shoulder.

"Go to your room."

Leila hesitated when her second brother blocked her way.

"Did I say that you can leave?" He asked.

"Hmm so what did I ask? Oh right. To answer my own question I could imagine that you were crying at that time. You are such a pathetic girl, Leila." The tone he used was the harshest one. Leila couldn't control her tears this time.

"It's enough Antonio!" Angelo again stepped in between her and Antonio who was sneering at her.

Leila was barely able to stand her ground. Her shoulders were trembling.

"Tch pathetic!" Antonio commented.

"Enough is enough, Antonio! Say one more word, I will make sure that you never get to speak another word again!" Angelo calmly spoke. But even Leila knew that he wasn't joking around. He was really threatening Antonio with a calmest face.

Thankfully Antonio didn't say anything but he just glared.

"And you! Are you going to stand there all day? Didn't I say go to your room!" Angelo said sternly. He didn't turn to look at Leila but she got the message.

She immediately sprinted past them barely trying to hold her tears in.

Just as she took a turn to the familiar corridor that lead to her room. She collided into someone.

She slowly looked up. Her eyes widened in fear. There stood her second oldest brother, Carlo. Leila stared at the blood that covered his white satin shirt and her stomach clenched uncomfortably.

He just looked at her face for a mere second but didn't say anything and moved past her with his hands shoved in his black dress pants.

Leila stood in front of her room and took a deep breath in. Her shaky hand slowly moved to wrap around the cold door knob and she slowly pushed it open.

How do you like Leila's character? And what do you think about Angelo and Anthony or maybe Carlo?

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