Chapter 12 (The End?)

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"Are you sure that she comes out at this time?" A gruff voice spoke.

His companion nodded but a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead.

"Boss! Are you sure that you think it's a good idea?"

"Don't fucking question me and do what am I saying if you worry about your life!" The man growled in annoyance.

His companion only nodded in response before looking down at his loaded gun.

It is your last day, Leila Lambordi. He thought.


Leila shivered suddenly. There was something telling her that today was not the best day. There was a growing worry settled deep in her stomach.

"Ms. Leila. You forgot your book back in the classroom." Samantha came running behind her. Her expressions were cheerful. Leila smiled in appreciation and grabbed it from her hand.

Leila was about to move but she paused.

"I'm going to the parking lot. Will you join me?" Samantha's ocean blue eyes widened and a small blush adorned her cheeks.

"Umm sure. I'd love too." Both of the girls started walking together.

"I don't really remember if I have seen you before. Did you recently join this school?" Leila asked curious.

Samantha nodded her head eagerly. Inwardly Samantha was squealing in joy. Leila Lambordi and her whole family was like a role model to her. She was a big fan of this family like many who considered them as a celebrity. Another reason, Samantha had a big crush on Vincent Lambordi.

She was thinking that maybe by befriending Leila, she would get a chance to see Vincent but that was not it. Samantha genuinely wanted to be Leila's friend. Because she had seen how being surrounded by many people, Leila looked so lost and lonely.

"I started going to this school 2 years ago." Samantha answered.

"Oh. Do you like it here?"

"Yeah. It's pretty good and too good than my old school." They both stood at the corner edge of the parking lot, away from gossiping students.

"Say Ms. Leila--"

"Please call me Leila only. There's no need for honorifics. We are of same age." Leila said, faintly blushing awkwardly.

"I was saying that every rumour I heard about you is wrong." Leila frowned slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you are selfless and so down to earth like the rumours and news I usually hear on social media is all fake. You are so different than what they say or give you credit for." Samantha explained.

Leila only looked down at the ground for a moment before looking at Samantha and gave her a small smile.

"You are too kind, Samantha."

Samantha was about to ask her what does she mean but Leila paused when her family's car arrived.

"Do you need a ride?" Leila asked after noticing that her brothers sent a driver and two guards today.

"N-no no. I don't want to be a bother. I can walk hom--" Leila shook her head and placed her hand on her shoulder.

"You are not a bother, Samantha. And by the way it looks like it's going to rain soon." Samantha looked at the sky and nodded.

"Thank you, Leila."

Leila only smiled and lead her to the parked SUV. She asked Samantha her address that the driver noted and one of the guard opened the door for them to enter.

As they hit the road, they failed to notice a white car following them.

"It looks like they are taking a different route today." The man's companion stated making his boss chuckle.

"That's gold. It will be much easier to finish her off."

After dropping Samantha at her home, the driver reversed to go towards Lambordi mansion.

Leila was looking outside the window. A smile crept on her face as she noticed that little dribble had started to pour down.

As they hit a dirt road, two cars suddenly came out of nowhere and blocked their way. The guards narrowed their eyes.

"Don't stop!" One of them commanded while the other one pulled his phone out, as he glanced at Leila from the corner of his eye. It seemed like she did not notice yet.

As the driver took a clean turn, he did not expected another car standing there waiting for them. On the spur of moment, another car hit their SUV from front.

Leila winced as her head banged against the window a little.

"W-what's the matter?"

"Looks like we are under attack." The guard answered.

"Please get down and cover your ears. Reinforcements will be here soon but until then we shall stall." The second guard said as he finished texting.

Suddenly two of those cars rammed their SUV from behind. Leila could only flinch and follow the guard's command.

They were surrounded from each direction. The driver was forced to slam his foot down on the breaks.

"No matter what happens, please don't step out." The first guard said to Leila before jumping out.

Moments later, the second guard jumped out leaving only Leila and the driver in the SUV. Leila only curled to herself.

The driver sighed before grabbing a gun and throwing it in Leila's direction.

Leila looked at him confused and grabbed the gun from near her feet.

"There are so many of them. These two won't be able to handle them. I'm going to help. Please lock the car." The driver said before jumping out and Leila trembled as she shakily locked herself in.

Suddenly it was quiet. Too quiet. But it stayed for ten seconds only. All of a sudden, Leila heard many guns go off. The bullets were hitting the glass windows.

Leila just shook her head as a tear rolled down her cheek. The gun dropped from her hand when one of the glass window shattered. Bullets started raining inside.

"That will finally be the end!" The man smirked as his companion just sweated feeling anxious before jumping back into the car. In the distance, they heard several cars coming.

"Let's get out of here, Emilio!" The man exclaimed happily as their men retreated barely missing another set of bullets from the guns pointed at them..

"FUCK!" Zach growled. For some reason, he was shaking, fearing to see the bloody sight that was inside the SUV.

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The Missing PieceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora