Chapter 3 (Introducing again)

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Leila's room wasn't changed. It was same just like she left it. But the walls looked freshly painted and when she looked in her walk-in-closet, she wasn't surprised to see new addition to her clothes and few other items.

She sat down on the bed, her knees folded to her chest with her arms around them. Her heart clenched as she remembered all the time she spent at her grandmother's home.

Leila didn't have parents. They died when she was so young. If it weren't their pictures, she would have already forget what they look like.

Leila sighed and shook her head. She decided to take a long shower to relax her mind a bit. When she stepped out of the bathroom, there was a loud knock on the door. She tightened her bath robe around herself tightly and slowly moved to open the door.

Just as the door was opened, she was engulfed into a tight embrace. A small smile light on her lips when she wrapped her arms around the slender form. Releasing the hug, Leila looked at her bestfriend Mia. Mia was the daughter of the head cook. She was the only another girl in this whole mansion.

Even though Mia was in her late thirties. Mia wasn't only Leila's bestfriend but she was like her sister and mother.

"My sweet honey bubu. You are back..." Mia whispered and looked down at Leila's face.

"Let me see you, let me see you-- You have turned into such gorgeous young lady." Mia smiled sadly and brushed Leila's hair away from her face.

Leila smiled at her and tried to pull her into the room but Mia shook her head.

"We will talk later. Right now, I was here to call you. Dinner's going to be served approximately in 30 minutes. You must get dressed now. Masters are already home and I think they look forward to your company." Leila tried to not to flinch at her words.

Why would they want to meet her?

Few of them actually loathed her and probably wish to never see her again.

After another small hug, Mia excused herself and went downstairs. Leila sighed and made her way towards her closet to get ready.

Hesitation was evident in her steps as she followed the familiar path leading to the dining hall. True to Mia's words, her brothers were already present there, altogether. Truly it was such a odd sight to see them all present at the same place.

There were several growing conflicts between them. But for Leila, there was a exception.

Eyes bored into her. Leila nervously took a seat at the far corner, away from them.

"Leila!" She looked up at the voice of her third oldest brother. So Angelo hadn't changed a bit. He pointed his finger at the empty chair beside him, closer to all the brothers.

Leila got the message. With her head down, she went towards it and sat down. Antonio's snicker rang in her ears.

"You will be starting your old school from next week." Her oldest brother, Xavier stated in an all too emotionless voice. Leila knew that she was actually an bother to him. That day he looked in nice mood to send her off to their grandma's home.

Leila had total 7 brothers. They were called 'deadly seven'. First there was Xavier who was 30 years old. He was the head of the family, their family business whether it was legal or illegal.

Second Carlo. He was year younger than Xavier. Despite the family business, he was famous being the head of their family's T&I. Torture and Interrogation department. He knew very well how to play with minds and knives.

Third there was Angelo. He was hardly 2 years younger than Carlo, turning 28 in few months.

Angelo was the second head after Xavier of their many legal business corporations. Xavier hardly paid attention to these corporations leaving Angelo in charge. Angelo was her that only brother who dislike dirtying his hands with someone's blood.

He lived on principles but when someone really get on his nerves, he becomes the deadliest among his brothers. His wrath is something that often their own brothers try to avoid.

Next there was Zach. He was 25 years old. Zach was the bastard one among his siblings. He wasn't filled with arrogance but he was more deadly playful kind. His dark humor and harmless jokes were to be taken seriously. He was the head of assassination department. Leila had often heard from the guards whispering that his aim never missed.

After Zach, there was Antonio. He was 24 years old and Leila swears that he takes the position of the most arrogant brother. He hated Leila with all passion. It was written all over his face. Antonio although worked under Xavier as his second-in-command handling the illegal business. In Xavier's absence, he often handled all deals and everything.

Next to Antonio, there was Vincent. He was 22 years old. He was the owner of their family's many prestige  clubs. In the shade of those clubs, he took care of their foreign businesses and handled issues or problems among their foreign allies.

Last there was Luciano. He was 20 years old turning 21 next month. He was known ruthless one his brothers due to his sick ways of doing things. He was the most hot headed one from seven of them.

Leila was mostly scared from him because he had split personality disorder. Therapies were useless on him and he was always getting in trouble. He often sometimes worked under Carlo or Zach. Mostly there was Carlo, because Leila had often hear him claiming that his way of interrogation were creepiest and most effective.

Leila held back a shiver when she remembered that one time when she was 6, he took it as his duty to teach her swimming. But he did only pushed her into the pool without giving her some aid or advice or anything. She would have basically already dead that day if it wasn't for Angelo diving in to save her.

She knew that she come off as a surprise to her brothers five years later when she was born after Lucien.

  She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her brothers again. To her surprise, they were already staring back at her.


Lol. So which one of them would be your favorite?😂

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