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Chapter 5: Cornered

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The ground was more chaotic up close. Not long ago, the majority of the base's inhabitants had been moving towards the docks in response to Concordia's most recent attack. That mass migration had placed more civilians than normal around the outskirts of the base, and this group now frantically rushed back inland, having no choice but to get out of the way and let the military combat the threat.

The threat Akira delivered to their doorstep.

Even in the middle of the wide main road, Akira struggled to swim against the current, trying to squeeze through the bodies while simultaneously standing her ground with every push and shove that threatened to knock her down. Her biggest setback was when someone slammed into her right shoulder so hard, she felt a spasm of pain stretch all the way down to her fingertips, and her eyes watered even after the ache subsided.

Within the chaos, she eventually managed to procure her earpiece, a small black device slightly larger than her thumb, and she scrambled to fit it snugly in and around her left ear. It came to life with a dash of white noise, and a small display appeared in the air half a meter in front of her. Alas, it was impossible to actually see the projection with someone running through it every second, and Akira frustratedly tapped her earpiece one more time.

"Connect to nearest Alpha Battalion channel," she said, barely hearing the peppy chime that confirmed the device's understanding.

A few seconds later, she winced when her ear was filled with an overly enthusiastic cheer.

"That was wicked!" the voice exclaimed. "You almost had her that time!"

At the sound of "her," Akira felt her spirits hollow; it really was Danya wrecking havoc after all. Somehow, she must have regained her strength, and now she was loose on their base.

How could Akira have been so naive? She should've left Danya to the islanders. For all she knew, the locals were working with Concordia all along; they wouldn't be the first land nation to ally with the enemy, after all.

Akira clenched her teeth. She could repent for her poor decisions later. For now, she had a job to do, and she continued to push through the crowd towards the sounds of the battle.

"Navin said she's moving too fast," a much calmer feminine voice said over the radio. "Also, someone joined the channel."

At her cue, all Akira could do was grimace; someone's heavy bag had just swung into her stomach like a solid punch and knocked the air out of her.

"Oh?" the first voice replied with exaggerated intrigue. "Oh? Well, blimey, if it isn't the one and only Captain Dunn! Welcome to the party, Cap! Care to join us for drinks after?"

"I'll give you another opening," a third voice interrupted, their harsh tone laced with annoyance. "Just don't waste it this time. We don't have all day."

As a few more explosions and crashes sounded in the distance, Akira finally stumbled out of the crowd and focused on assessing the situation as she caught her breath.

The first thing she noticed was the smell. With her deep inhales, she couldn't help but take in the mixture of smoke, dust, and metal that filled the air, nor could she prevent her resulting fit of coughs. Only when she held a sleeved arm in front of her nose and mouth could she visually take in her surroundings.

She found herself at the border between the urban and industrial districts, and while the civilians had evacuated the area, their presence was replaced by dozens of military personnel and heavy artillery. The normally smooth street was now scattered with concrete barricades; as the sea of evacuees moved inland, the blockades would emerge from the road in the newly vacated space, their positions staggered between the right and left sides. Behind each readied barrier, about five soldiers worked to deploy the other defenses that were also stowed beneath the ground: a large mounted gun, an array of rifles, and caches of rechargeable munition cartridges for all.

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