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Chapter 82: Promises

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As preposterous of a theory as it was, it was the only explanation that made sense. Aside from the indisputable image of a mysterious mountaintop hiding amidst the destruction of the Himalayas, the team had likely experienced Garza's direct wrath first hand, back when they were nearing the rubble in an attempt to breach Mongolus. They had nearly forgotten about it in favor of combatting the acid storm that drenched Patna; that was probably exactly what Garza wanted.

With his likely location determined, the team prepared for a fight.

For a few days, they used their drones to survey the territory, trying to find a way into Garza's alleged invisible fortress. It was Sam that suggested examining underground instead of above; evidently, a centuries-old rail tunnel used to run underneath the famed mountain until its collapse just before the war. Further inspection showed an opening into said tunnel about a hundred kilometers southwest of Everest, and while they couldn't travel far inside, the high tech shielding that stopped them was enough evidence to prove that it was their way in.

While Izzy and Victor worked on a way to get them through, the others readied themselves for the fight to follow. After another week, they braced themselves for the second—or third—final countdown.

"I swear," Jivan grumbled from the small dining room table, jabbing their pen in the air for emphasis. "If this isn't the real Verus Rex or Victor Garza or whoever, I'm bloody calling it. We're never going to find the person responsible, and this world is doomed to head straight into an apocalypse. I'm getting too old for this nonsense."

Akira grimaced as she sat on the floor with her back leaning against the bed. "Noted. Now just shut up and write."

But even as Jivan begrudgingly obliged, Akira couldn't practice what she preached.

With limited backup and resources, as well as having abandoned their military posts, they had never been in a more dire and lonely situation. With the worst-case scenario being so unnervingly likely, Akira wanted to make sure they were prepared on all fronts.

For half of the day, she had them all prepare hand-written letters to send to their loved ones in the event of a tragedy. Each would be scanned and triggered to send after a certain amount of time while the originals would be kept in a lockbox under Victor's kitchen sink. It was a grim task, but Akira knew from experience that leaving their families and friends without closure would be even worse.

For the rest of the day, they relaxed, lounging around the cottage with snacks from Sam and stories from everyone else. When evening rolled around, Quyen and Navin hauled in a crate at Izzy's insistence, then opened it to find that the young scientist had been making his own moonshine.

"So this is how those sailors got into trouble!" Sam shouted, his cheeks already tinted pink after a few sips of the mystery concoction. "Because of you, the Crusader never let me throw another party!"

"I'm just the manufacturer," Izzy said as he made another round of the house to refill any cup that was less than half full. "It's not my fault that these children can't handle their liquor."

"Again, Izzy, you're not that old," Quyen said with a grimace as she nursed the berry kompot Izzy prepared especially for her. With her other hand, she fiddled with her earpiece. "And can you keep the volume down, big guy? This place is tiny. We can all hear you perfectly fine, myself included."

"Who, me?" Sam exclaimed, his drink sloshing slightly as he used it to gesture at himself. "I'm quiet! I'm like the most quietest. It's Jivan that's the loud one!"

"She means right now, love," Jivan gently said; beside them, Navin lowered his face even further towards his cup. "Not when we're alone. In those regards, I'd have to agree with you."

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