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Chapter 70: Brig Aid

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For once, Akira didn't have to attend the traditional post-mission debrief. Instead, as soon as their plane landed on the Crusader's deck, two metal strips were slapped on her wrists, and the internal electromagnets secured them tightly to her skin and to each other.

Immediately after, she was hauled down to an engine room and secured to one of the many pipes there before being left alone with two armed guards. Throughout her trip below decks, no one said a word to her, and the only things she received were the cold glares of the two sailors monitoring her. But Akira didn't need an explanation. She knew exactly what she did wrong, and how many people she failed in the process.

It had already been clear to her when she watched Eden slip out of sight; it became even more apparent when they contacted the Crusader an hour out, and Akira had been forced to explain the chain of events over the comms. She should have realized her fate when nothing but silence followed her admission, and after a lengthy pause, they received terse orders to proceed directly to the Crusader. No detours, no delays, no matter what the reason.

Akira knew she fucked up. After years of telling herself she wouldn't make such a thoughtless decision again, she did exactly that. Even though no one died from her mistake yet, every life lost to the war from that point forward would be on her. And while it was Danya that had swayed her mind, it was on Akira for believing her.

So Akira willingly accepted her punishment, sitting dutifully on the dusty, greasy ground without complaint.

A metal door slammed open an indeterminate amount of time later, and Danya's indignant tone echoed over the sounds of machinery; Akira kept her eyes on her lap.

"You think you kids are so tough, don't you?" she growled, slightly breathless. "Let's see if you can take me on without a stun gun. How about that? Just one on one, you and me—"

Her words were cut off by a zap of electricity and a sharp yelp; Akira squeezed her eyes closed.

She heard the clinking of metal against metal about five meters away from her as Danya's own restraints were secured to another line of pipes, and her escorts departed soon after, slamming the door closed behind them.

With that, Akira was surrounded by Danya, two guards, and a flood of regret.

"Bunch of jerks," Danya muttered. "Akira! You okay? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

A part of Akira longed to be wrapped in Danya's arms. But it was that exact mindset that got Akira into that mess in the first place, and the least she could do was refuse to give into it any longer.

So she didn't, adamantly keeping her eyes closed and her head down.

"Akira, what's wrong?" Danya whispered. Then, in a raised voice, "Hey, can you check on her? I think she's hurt."

When the guards didn't respond, Danya growled.

"Oh, come on!" Danya snapped, and some of the pipes clanged loudly around them. "What, you're just going to let her suffer? Isn't she your comrade or whatever? Are you really that cruel?"

One of the guards scoffed. "She's a traitor, if anything."

"No talking," the other ordered.

Of course, Danya didn't listen to anybody.

"Can you believe these idiots?" she grumbled. "Akira, can you try to say something at least? Please?"

Akira could have continued to ignore her; that probably would have been easier for both of them. At the same time, Akira couldn't stand listening to Danya's voice any longer. She couldn't stand the guilt of how she let herself be so easily persuaded. She couldn't stand the reminders of the comfort she still craved.

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