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Chapter 22: Sheltered

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Before the war, acid rain was vaguely known as a silent killer, an unfortunate byproduct of generations of pollution that slowly degraded the environment.

With the war, acid storms still killed slowly, but it wasn't a silent death whatsoever.

Akira and the other civilians sheltered in the museum lobby were reminded of this at the sound of a howling scream just outside. However, the voice was still distant, and there was also the rain audibly pelting against the walls. As such, Akira warded the civilians back while she staged herself at the entrance, poised to open the door at a moment's notice.

"Five seconds!" Danya shouted hoarsely from outside.

Akira did one last cursory check of her own clothing, ensuring her uniform and helmet covered all of her skin.

"Two seconds!" Danya yelled, much closer this time.

Two seconds later, Akira pushed the door open.

Immediately, a spray of rain hit her with an audible sizzle as stray debris burned off her clothes. She could only hope none of it would find an opening to her skin as she moved to the side, letting Danya and her three passengers barrel through the doorway.

Danya had the father balanced on her back with her uniform's jacket draped over his shoulders and her helmet jammed onto his head. In each of her arms were the two children, small enough to be shielded by Danya's own petite frame.

"He's got a bad leg," Danya explained roughly as she set the family down at the edge of the crowd of civilians huddled in the building's lobby. "And probably some minor burns now."

At her words, the closest civilians jumped into action, some carefully removing Danya's gear from the father while others consoled the bawling children. Aside from their tears and understandable panic, the kids appeared physically unharmed. And while their father's arms were dotted with dark pink blisters, he seemed to be in good health otherwise, muttering a feeble thanks to Danya before letting his neighbors treat his wounds.

Then there was Danya, crouched over on the ground and breathing shakily through gritted teeth. Without her uniform protecting the upper half of her body, her arms were covered with large reddish brown splotches that disfigured her skin into an oozing wrinkled mess. Her olive green shirt was littered with holes, the edges singed black. The back of her head was hurt too, and burnt, bare patches on her scalp peeked through the tangle of her remaining hair.

"I'll get some water and medicine," Akira said as she finished securing the museum door shut. "Just hang in there, okay?"

"I'll heal," Danya hissed towards the marble floor, but the strain in her voice clearly revealed her pain.

"But still—"

"I'll be fine!" Danya shouted, then immediately followed with a choked whine.

Before Akira could argue, Danya's skin transformed before her eyes.

The change was gradual at first, with the edges of her largest burns slowly lightening to her normal skin color. As her healing worked inwards, it increased in speed, the repaired skin engulfing the injuries like a swarm of ants around a sugar cube.

At one point Danya shuddered, and her fingers scraped against the smooth stone floor, searching blindly for purchase. Akira hurriedly knelt beside her, but without knowing for sure where Danya was hurt, she gently placed her hand over Danya's. Danya twitched at the touch, but she linked some of their fingers before Akira could let go, holding her there for a tense minute.

Finally, after one last whimpered curse, Danya let out a heavy breath as she collapsed onto her elbows, gasping for air.

"You're fine, huh?" Akira said, unsure of how else she could possibly comfort her.

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