Chapter 4

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Thankfully, they made it back in one piece. Lizzie was furious with Riven for helping burn down her childhood home.

After delivering the book to the suite, the group face timed Saul and Sebastian and they began trying to decipher the text.

Turns out the spell is ancient magic which leads them to belive Rosalind is using it to harvest fairy magic to make her self stronger. It's a very plausible assumption given the woman is Satan.

"I wish I could say I was surprised at that." Lizzie states. Sky looks at her with a small smile at his girls bluntness.

"Eliza sweetheart, can you tell your mum I love her please." Her father begs. Looking at the screen she smiles at the man before nodding.

Will she tell her? Yes. Will she enjoy the interaction? Yet to be decided. While the blonde has always longed to know her mother, she often questions her intentions. For all she knows it's a big trap that Rosalind has set. Again highly likely in her opinion.

Some time later, Lizzie finds herself at the door to her mothers room. She knocks three times and waits patiently for the woman to open the door.

"Eliza, hey. Do you wanna come in?" The woman asks gesturing for the girl to enter. Lizzie hesitantly steps in already regretting her decision to see her mother.

"Not that I'm not happy you're here but why are you here? You usually avoid me like the plague." Laura asks, glad her daughter has willingly come to see her.

Ever since she was kidnapped, Laura had longed for her daughter. To hold her in her arms and make up for all the time she lost. Being here with her is like a dream come true and all that's missing is Saul.

"Dad says he loves you." She spoke bluntly not meeting her mothers eye. Laura smiled to herself at the thought of her husband.

"You spoke to your dad?" The older fairy asks. The young girl nodded once looking around the room.

A picture caught her eye and she walked towards it picking it up. The picture was her with her parents the day she was born. They looked so happy. Lizzie notices that her mother has the same look in her eyes even now.

Knowing this could end terribly she looks back at her mother and launches herself into her arms, holding her tightly. Laura is surprised by the action but immediately holds her just as tight, happy that she is slowly accepting her.

"I uhhh, I actually helped break him out." The young blonde spoke hesitantly. Her mother looked at the girl wide eyed before laughing.

"Yup. You are definitely your fathers daughter. That is something he would do." She laughed. Honestly Lizzie was expecting a scolding from the not so dead woman.

Feeling somewhat comfortable with the woman, Lizzie decided to stay for a little while, getting to know her mother. They were building a relationship. Slowly but surely and Laura didn't mind. She thought they had all the time in the world to heal their broken relationship.

After a few hours, laughing and bonding with Laura, Lizzie heads back to her room where she finds her father sat on her bed waiting for her.

"Dad? What are you doing here? It's dangerous you could get caught." She scolds. Saul just looked up at his daughter and smiled before making his way to her and wrapping his arms around her pulling them together. Lizzies arms make their way around her fathers torso and she clings to him like there's no tomorrow.

"I know sweetheart I just needed to see you make sure you're alright." He explains. The girl nods her head

"I'm so proud of you Eliza for everything you've done. I hope you know that." He praises pressing a kiss to her hair.

The blonde smiles into her fathers chest still not ready to let him go. She knew it was dangerous him being here but at this moment in time she didn't care. For the past 10 months all she wanted was her dad and now she has him and she won't let him go again.

"I missed you dad." She mumbles into his shirt but he heard her perfectly.

"I missed you too sweetheart."

The father-daughter duo spent the next hour talking and catching up and Lizzie immediately felt miles better than she had in a while. Unfortunately the time came where Saul had to see Sky. He was nervous but he knew he had to.

"Hey, it'll be ok. I don't know if he has forgiven you yet but he still loves you." And with those words, Saul made his way to Sky's room.

She didn't know how it went and it was killing her. She was terrified that he got caught and was going to end up back in prison. The blonde couldn't stop those thoughts spiralling around in her head.

She only snapped out when she heard a knock on her door. Opening it she saw Sky with tears in his eyes. Then she knew it didn't go well.

Without question she pulled the boy into her arms and guided them to her bed where he lay between her legs playing with one of her hands as the other was going through his hair.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asked. The boy nodded.

"I assume he came to see you?" He asked.

"Yeah he did. Don't be too hard on him Sky. I know your mad he lied and I am too but he did it so we didn't have to know what really happened. I mean imagine if he told us from the start. Imagine telling your kids you essentially killed one of their parents. He wanted us to have a normal childhood." Lizzie explained.

Sky knew she was right. She was always right but it still hurt. It hurt them both.

"He was always there for us. He still is." The chaos fairy added. Sky flipped himself over so he was on his stomach looking up at her.

He pressed a kiss to her lips and she couldn't help but smile. There was that feeling if home once again. "You always know what to say Beth." They stayed together for the rest of the night comforting each other not knowing that Saul had been caught and that Ben had ratted him out.

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