TJTBP - Chapter 2.

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I left you with a heartbreaker, didn't I?

It gets worse. I promise.

Sorry. It's meant to be a tearjerker.


Chapter 2.

When I woke up, the first thing that came to my vision was Mikey, standing over me, looking terrified out of his mind. He relaxed when he saw that I was awake.

What was he so anxious about? I was in the hospital all the time for the people I killed fighting back before they died.

He plunked down in the chair beside my bed. Wait, a bed? I looked around. The room was pale white and bare and uncomfortable. Curtains hung from the small window in the corner that matched the pathetic sheets. I had on an ugly white hospital gown.

I could only hope a guy dressed me.

Probably not.

It was dark outside. The clock said 6:50. I sighed. Mikey wasn't the only one here. Frank and Ray were standing in the corner quietly. Frank's eyes were wide and Ray's fro was standing in disarray.

I decided to break the silence. "What happened?"

It was silent. Totally silent. Finally, Mikey spoke. "Well, I came home to find you laying face down in a pool of blood. My first thought was you were shot in the face, with all the shit you pulled and that. But I turned you over and you were fine, just deathly pale. So I called 911...They took some tests. We're trying to figure out what it could be."

"Maybe I just puked up blood. No big deal. It was probably my cigarette, alcohol, and coffee combination."

"Or maybe your cancer came back." The doctor walked in as he spoke those words. My mouth fell open in shock. My cancer came back? couldn't have.

It could have.

"Please tell me you're kidding," Mikey pleaded.

"Well, I might be. Your tests are giving mixed feelings, Gerard. But you did puke up blood, right?" he asked, eyeing me.

"Yeah. Then i blacked out."

"We've got that. So far we can't determine, because we've only taken 3 tests. But right now we're leaning towards your past history of Leukemia coming back." He gave me a look of sympathy. I couldn't speak.

I was numb.

And I was going to die.

He left and we were all silent. Mikey buried his face in his hands and I heard muffled sobs. Frank was staring at me, eyes even wider. Ray walked over to Mikey, comforting him slowly, still trying to cope himself.

So this was how God was going to treat me.

By putting me back through the sufferings of cancer.


 I turned to Frank and Ray. "If you guys could give me a minute with my brother, please."

They nodded and left the room. The only sound in the room was the air conditioning as we stared at each other. His bottom lip was quivering. I pulled him into a hug and he lost his control once again. I laughed a little. "Mikey, stop crying."

"I can't," he whimpered as he pulled out of the hug.

"Yes, you can. Come on. This happened almost 18 years ago."

"I know. Just, please, Gerard, don't leave me again."

I mulled that over. I didn't want to, oh, believe me, I didn't want to. But maybe I deserved to. Maybe this was what had to happen to let those 14 people's souls rest.

I looked over at Mikey. "I'll try, Mikes. I promise."

He smiled. My words that had been spoken when I said I'd stop killing people.

He leaned back in the chair and was texting somebody. "Who you texting?"

He looked up. "Oh, Bob."

Bob. Oops. "Where is he?"

"He came back from his drumming convention. He just got in. He rushed as soon as he heard about your blackout." Mikey still sounded a little shaky.

"Have you told Lilly yet?"

That was the only thing on my mind. Had he told my girlfriend?

"Yeah. I told her while you were still out. She's coming over and she should be here tomorrow."

"I feel bad interuppting her trip." She goes for a business trip to Spain, which happened to get interuppted by her boyfriend having cancer. You know.

"Don't be. You're far more important to her." He showed me the text he just quoted from. I smiled. That was some comfort. Then Mikey got uncomfortable. "What is it, Mikes?"

"You're gonna have to tell her, Gerard."

"About what?"

"About..." Then it hit me. He was talking about my pervious job and what I did last night.

"No way, man. She's gonna leave me. Besides you and Frank and Ray and Bob, she's my only support system. And honestly, I can't live without her," I growled.

"She's gonna have to find out Gera--"

"NO SHE WON'T!" I shouted. Frank poked his head in.

"I don't know what's happening in here, but keep it down. The nurses keep eyeing your door," Frank whispered frantically before closing the door.

Mikey turned back to me. "I don't know what to say then, Gerard. If you won't tell her, I will. Because it's worse to hide the truth than admit it."

He walked out and slammed the door.

I groaned and slammed my head down on the pillow.


It gets worse. Lilly shows up in the next chapter and we find out if Gee has cancer. :c

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