Chapter 31

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               ~Iris De'Leon Stone ~

  "oh, do I hear Steven laughing" an unfamiliar  deep voice said from behind Isis, Ace and I making the room go silent.

I looked up behind me to see who it was  and saw a  tall mascula man, with golden brown eyes and alot of fucken tattoos. Behind him was James? No it's his twin meaning that's Victor and the man in front of him must be my  biological father.

Isis  turned around and her jaws dropped. "holy shit you're Derrick Stone" Isis suddenly blurted. " Iris pinch me" she said causing me to chuckle.

I don't know anyone in this world besides Isis who is obsessed with our new fond father. I mean she is a huge fan of his killings and how he rules his Mafia,she one day hopes to lead it like he does.

"sorry about that" Isis said scratching her neck. Wait is she nervous? I should take a video.

"I'm Isis Pearl De'Leon" Isis said not showing any signs of emotion now. "and that right there is my twin sister Iris Diamond De'Leon" she said making me get up  and go stand next to her.

Mr Stone didn't respond but just looked at us in disbelief maybe or adoration? I don't fucken know but all I know is that he was looking at us. "Derrick,stop staring and introduce yourself" Octavia said snapping Mr Stone out of it. "sorry" he said clearing his throat. "it's just that I haven't seen you girls in like forever, I don't know what to say" he said chucking with watery eyes. "you can start by introducing yourself to them" James said.

James2  behind Mr Stone stepped forward and pulled Isis and I  into a huge hug. "I can't believe it's you guys, you're so grown." he said in a soft sad  voice. Isis and I hugged him back. We let go then he stepped back and stood next to Mr Stone again. "I'm Derrick Stone, you may address me as dad or father  and nothing else" he said causing me and Isis to look at each other wide eyed.

"no Derrick they have other parents remember? I don't think they'd be comfortable with calling you dad or father." Octavia said jumping into the conversation. "no, no don't worry we don't mind calling you dad or father" I said earning a smile from dad(Mr Stone) "yea I mean we call our father, papa so it won't really be weird" Isis said.

"now dad I'm a huge fan of your work please teach me your ways" Isis said causing everyone in the room to laugh. "if you consider training in America and not Spain for the next year like Giselle suggested you will learn a lot from me."  Dad said in his deep voice. "I'll have to talk to my papa first dad but I'll get back to you on that before I decide to leave Italy" Isis said.

"now I think you forgot something" Isis and I said in sync to our dad making him bend down to our level and motion for us to continue. "you forgot to give your long lost daughters a hug." Isis said. "no sister I think he didn't miss us that's why he didn't fucken give us a hug" I said changing my Spanish accent to a British one causing dad to laugh. "sorry my little princesses, I thought if I hugged you, you two would chop my hands off like you did some years back to an old friend of mine." dad said pulling both me and Isis into a hug.

"I got you girls something" dad said releasing us from his arms. "hope it's something good" I said smiling like an idiot. "I hope I'm not moving to fast but,i had necklaces made for  you both." he said reaching into his pocket taking out a two small boxes handing them to both Isis and I. We both opened them and saw necklaces that the words on them were 'Stone'.

"Thank you for these beautiful necklaces, but we are and always will be the De'Leon twins." Isis said showing them the tattoo she has on her back written' Donna De'Leon' in cursive. "I know that, and I didn't mean t-to" he stuttered trying to find the right words. "no, I love my necklace I'll wear it everyday and remove this ridiculous one that means nothing to me" I said taking off the necklace Ares gave me and put on the necklace my dad gave me. Dad smiled and I returned it.

"Isis is the heir to the Spanish Mafia so  she can't really accept this, but a ring would be acceptable because it's smaller and no one really pays attention to them" I said and dad nodded. "I'll have one made and delivered as soon as possible" Dad said.

"so breakfast anyone?" Isis asked making everyone respond with a "please"

We went entered the dinning room and I took my seat next to the head of the table. "dad whenever you or mom are here and mama and papa aren't you sit at the heads of the table as our parents" Isis said surprising us all.
"of course, thank you" Dad said taking his seat at the head of the table with Isis seating next to him.

Breakfast was served and we all ate in silence. When we finished eating our table was clearedout. "Mom, why do me and Isis have names that rym but Victor and James don't?" I asked gaining everyones attention. "firstly the name  James is James's middle name"  mom pointed out. "his real name is Vincent, named after your grandfather" Dad said. "my father" mom continued. "interesting" I said.

"so I heard you're engaged to Ares. Why?!" dad asked with his voice coming out louder than he intended. "Marrying him to keep war from breaking out between our two Mafias" I said effortlessly. "can you pull out of this arrangement, arranged marriage or whatever it is?" he asked. "no, I signed a contract and if I pull out war will start and no allies can interfere with that war" I said in a soft tone. "bloody hell!" dad said banging his fist on the table making us flinch.

"Okay, does this boy atleast treat you well?! " he asked in a demanding tone. "he did until the idiot cheated. But I'll get him back after a couple of years so don't interfere with my plans by killing him! " I said matching his tone. "I'll kill him" dad said. "no you won't, because I will" I said whispering the last part so only  he  can hear. "wow, that was unexpected" he said. "I know." I said getting up from my seat.

"where are you going?" Victor questioned. "I'm going to call Gianna and tell her to announce my latest collections launch for next month." I said. "why so early?" mom questioned. "because I want to dye my hair back to golden brown as soon as possible." I said making her frown. "but why? I mean your  natural hair color suits you well" she said. "I know but one of us need to look different to the other" I said causing Isis to stand and make her way to me.

"you're not dying your hair back, I'll talk to papa I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you didn't." Isis said patting my back. "you no he will disagree with you on this one" I said trying to avoid eye contact.

I honestly don't want to dye my hair back but, I respect my papa very much and have always played by his rules. I never want to see him mad or disappointed in me, that's why I started 'Ris' and soon I'll launch 'Diamond' like he asked me too. Yes I'm sure you all thought I started 'Ris' because I woke up one day feeling like a designer but no my papa made me start it so I can showcase some of my designs and since I'm talented and all, my brand became successful and known worldwide.

"so are you guys staying here or at the Morreti estate?" I asked. "we will be staying with the Morreti's only because they asked us to" dad answered. "well if you don't feel like staying there you could always come back here, we have a million bedrooms" Isis said sarcastically. "I don't really like them so I'll stay here with you guys" Steven said making me smile at him. "good, you'll enjoy your stay here with us" Isis said.

Ace whispered something into Isises ear then stood up and left the room.
"why did he leave?" I questioned sitting back down on my chair. "I'll tell you later" Isis said and I nodded.

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