Chapter 3

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Midnight's POV

I woke up, still in Nightmare's lap "ah, good morning, Midnight. Are you feeling better then yesterday?" He asked, petting my head. I looked around, seeing that im now in Nightmare's room and he is laying on his bed with me on his chest. I looked at him, head tilted "hmmm...I've got to see who wilo be watching you for the day. Me and the gang are gonna go destroy an au and you'll still too young to come along so, ill let Reaper watch over you just till we get back" he said. Reaper? Im not sure who that is but im hoping he's nice. I barked cutely and Nightmare chuckled. "Well, lets go visit Reaper" He said, picking me up and he teleported us to Reapertale and a small child came running up to us. "Hello, Nightmare! Whos the puppy??" They asked. "This is my puppy, Midnight. Is your dad here?" Nightmare asked. "No but momma's here!" "Take us to him, Goth" Nightmare said as we followed Goth. I buried my face in Nightmare's shoulder, a little scared because this was my first time going to a different au and being babysit. I was never left alone with someone else. "Momma! Nightmare's here and he brought his puppy, Midnight!" Goth said excitedly. "Hello. Geno" Nightmare said. "Hello, Nightmare" Geno replied. Nightmare set me down and i gotten behind him, scared plus nervous. "She's a bit nervous and scared because this is her first time being in another au and being babysit" Nightmare said, picking me up and gently handed me to Goth. I started whimpering, wanting Nightmare but he teleported away.

Goth's POV

I felt bad for the puppy. She really didnt want to leave Nightmare but he had to deal with something. She was heartbroken, i could tell. I went up to momma "momma? What can we do to cheer her up? Shes sad" i said. Momma had to think about it for a bit "take her to your room and let her get used to your siblings" Momma said. "Okay!" I said happily then i glanced down at her "you're gonna like my siblings! My older brother is Raven and my little brother is Shino!" I said. She seemed to look up at me. What if she thinks of me as her brother? Will daddy care? Would Nightmare care? I put her on my bed and climbed onto my bed. "What can i do so you'll cheer up?" I asked. All she did was whimper then i noticed that she has a little scarf on. "Did Nightmare make you that?" I asked. Her tail wags and she barks, seeming happy. Heh, Nightmare did make her that scarf. My older brother, Raven came into my room " Raven! Look! Its Nightmare's puppy, Midnight! She's really cute!" I said, petting her head. Raven just started at  her. "And you have her on YOUR bed!? Dad's gonna be mad, Goth! Dad said no pets on our beds! Get her off the bed!" Raven yelled. I noticed that Midnight flinched and whines. "Raven...dont yell! You're scaring her!" I told him. "Ugh, but i am telling dad about this" Raven said annoyed, walking out of my room. I looked at Midnight and noticed that she was tearing up a bit. "Hey hey hey don't cry, okay?" I asked, trying to comfort her. I dont know why Raven has to be a jerk all the time. She's just a baby but i dont know how old she is.

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