Chapter 9

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Nightmare's POV

Midnight fell to sleep with her head resting on my arm. I didnt bother on moving so i dont wake her. She needs her rest. I gently rubbed her head as she slept. She slightly moved in her sleep. "Shh, you're safe. It's just me" i told her. A few minutes later, my "brother" came up. "Hello, Brother!" He said. "Shut it, Highlighter, she's sleeping" i growled. "Pfft- highlighter? That's a new one" Dream laughed. " its not supposed to be funny" i said, highly annoyed now. "But it was to me, Brother" he smiled. " STOP CALLING ME "BROTHER"! I AM NOT YOUR BROTHER ANYMORE!" I snapped, accidentally waking up Midnight. I sighed then glared at Dream. "You caused me to accidentally wake her up" i growled. "Sorry, brother" Dream said. That pissed me off. I carefully grabbed Midnight with a tentacle and grabbed Dream with another and threw Dream against the wall. Midnight must've thought I'll throw her and started to panic. I brought her into my lap and hugged her. "Its okay, girl. You're safe. Im not gonna harm ya in any sort of way. I promise" i told her softly. She calmed down a bit but not fully so i kept hugging her then called Horror. "HORROR!? COME HERE!" I yelled as he teleported in the throne room. "Yes Boss?" Horror asked. "Im giving you a mission. Watch over Midnight. Do NOT take her to your au. Do i make myself clear?" I asked. "Yes Boss" Horror said, gently grabbing Midnight from my hold.

Horror's POV

I had Midnight in my arms and teleported her to my room. She looked at me and her tongue was hanging out from her mouth. "Heh, good girl. Now, put ya tongue back into ya mouth" i said, playfully grabbing her tongue. Her head tilts to the side, completely confused on why i had ahold of her tongue. I chuckled "lemme check ya teeth. See if they sharp" i said and she kept her mouth opened for me. "Good girl" i said, checking her teeth. Her teeth are pretty sharp. "Wow. Looks like you've been taking my advice, girl" i said. I reached over and grabbed some raw meat, which was pork, and fed her it. She ate the meat and was happy. I chuckled "im glad Boss let us keep you, girl" i said. She barks again and i rubbed her head. "Heh, you're such a sweet girl" i said. I knew she was happy because she growled playfully, showing her little teeth. I chuckled "aww, little girl wants to play, huh?" She nodded in response. "Okay" i said, teleporting a pillow fort and blankets it in my room. Boss came in and saw what i was doing "Horror. Mind explaining why there's blankets and pillows scattered all in your room?" Boss asked. "Oh! Me and Midnight are having a slumber party!" I said. Boss glanced over at her "is that what she wants to do?" He asked as she barked, nodding her head. "Very well, i grant that occasion" he smiled.

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