14. You will find it under the full moon

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"Skulking around Boris' house just to satisfy your curiosity borders stalking, Xavier Davis." Iris folded her arms in front of her chest and smirked. "You know what? If Aquila's naked and howling at the moon and you take a picture for me, I approve."

I grabbed a pillow from my bed and smacked Iris, who was sitting in my desk chair, with it. "This is not stalking," I protested. "This is a one-time thing, and the last itch I'm going to scratch before putting the whole wolf case to rest."

Iris snorted as she chuckled the pillow back at me. "Sure, take all the 'last itches' you need."

"I'm serious this time. I will jog past Boris' house and I will stop near his fence. If I see nothing out of the ordinary in the garden or around the house, I will let it go."

"Alright. But explain it to me again. Slowly, like I'm five years old. What are you expecting to find?" Iris asked. "I mean, if it's not Aquila naked and howling at the moon, what do you want to see in that garden?"

I kept my mouth shut, because there was no way I could say I expected Aquila leading a pack of gigantic wolves or turning into one out loud without feeling crazy. So crazy that I just wanted to stay inside in my room with Iris and play video games instead of going for a jog.

Iris sighed. "Alright then. Just a quick reminder: I still have dibs on your ps5 if you get caught by Aquila or Boris and die of embarrassment."

"Noted," I replied with a snort. Then I got up from my bed and walked to the window. I shifted the curtain aside. It was already growing dark out and the full moon was visible in the sky.

Three weeks I'd waited for this moment after speaking with Mrs. Apple. I'd done my tutoring work, including the silent sessions with Aquila, and went to bonfires. All the while I tried to tell myself to forget about wolves until the next full moon, but the thought of the fairytales was constantly with me.

I hoped if I found nothing tonight, I could just forget about it and move on like Mrs. Apple had. Though, even she seemed to remember like it was yesterday what she saw in the woods with the bear and the wolf years later.

I closed the curtain. "Alright, it's time to go for a run."

"Good luck," Iris wished me without looking up at me. Her eyes were trained on my television screen. She'd already taken a seat on my bed and turned on the PlayStation.

Shaking my head, I left Iris in my bedroom and walked downstairs.

"Going for a run!" I called into the living room from the hall.

"Okay honey, be careful!" Mom called back as I opened the front door. "Don't leave town!"

"I won't!"

I breathed a sigh of relief as I stepped outside and closed the door behind me. Thankfully, my parents hadn't turned into overprotective helicopters in the wake of my accident. I knew they'd worry if I went into the woods, but at least they didn't fuss over my every step if I just wanted to go for a run in town.

My heart already hammered in my throat as I put in my earbuds and selected some tunes, despite not even running yet. What did I hope to find at Boris' house, indeed? I had no idea, but I knew I'd probably find nothing and I'd go home disappointed. If that was the case, there was all the more reason to just get it over with and put my strange accident behind me.

After a few stretches, I started jogging, heading towards the path that lead to Boris' house.

I might've not been able to teach Aquila much, but he had already taught me one thing: to pay attention to the way the wind was blowing. Normally I would've been annoyed with the crosswind gusting in my face and slowing me down. Now I could only think that this boded well, considering it would be both harder to hear me and smell me coming.

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