19. If some competition arrives

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"James' plane landed a few hours ago. He's at Riley's house now, Xavier. Did you know?"

Janine's eyes sparkled. She looked almost zany with glee, leaning over her chair so far I feared she'd fall over.

I resisted the urge to groan. "Yes, I know that," I replied. "You're only the third person telling me about it. Everyone I spoke with today seemed to love to remind me."

Janine's grin only grew wider. "Did you talk to him already? Because I know he's talking about you already. He wants to see you and you should meet up with him. You guys were so cute together at Christmas like four years ago."

I silently disagreed. We really weren't cute. James was cute and cool, and I was an awkward idiot who was sent running at the thought of his first kiss. Frankly, it was shocking James wanted to see me again at all and I vaguely wondered if Riley had pushed him into it.

"Okay, Janine." I sighed. "You just focus on getting your essays done so you can actually graduate this year, alright? I'll leave you to it, but call me if you need my help."

"Fine. Iris already said you'd be boring." Janine huffed. Rolling her eyes, she leaned forward until all four chair legs were touching the ground again. She finally turned her attention to her laptop to work, while I wondered why everyone in this town was so damn invested in James and I getting together. Of course I knew most of them meant well, but it almost started to feel like I was just an oddity to study to them. There weren't many gay people around in Pinewood, and not a lot happened around here to gossip about either. 

Janine was typing away on her laptop. I was officially tutoring her right now, but after getting her started on her essay, it didn't seem like she needed my help right now. I left Janine to work on her own and wandered off to the bookcases.

Helmi had recently added a few more LGBTQ+ books to her catalog. Lately, I had been in a romance mood, so my eyes were drawn to Young Mungo. Who knew, maybe my love life was going to pick up soon too. The thought had me excited, even if I would never tell a soul in this town. It'd only encourage them to squeal about me and James even more.

I turned the book and started reading the summary on the back. The love interest was called James. I cringed. Of course, it wouldn't be awkward at all if someone found out I had borrowed this book and the love interest in the book was also called James. Never mind reading this one. 

As I made space on the shelf to put the book back, I didn't pay any mind to the sound of the library doors opening and closing. Until I noticed someone approaching me from the corner of my eye.

Aquila came my way, wearing his trademark frown on his face. Except, his brow seemed even more furrowed than usual today. Maybe because he rarely stayed in the school building for a second longer than he had to after class, and he never visited the library unless he was forced to.

With a start, I realised I'd just had a cup of coffee together with Janine literally five minutes ago. Another great cause of the wolf frowns. When Aquila stopped in front of me, I covered my mouth with my book in my hands before I spoke. "Hey Aquila," I said. "What's up?"

Aquila didn't respond. He stared at the cover of the book in my hands. A blush crept up my cheeks when I realised why. I'd just covered my face with an image of two men caught in a ferocious tongue war. It wasn't so much that I was embarrassed I was reading this book, but I was kind of embarrassed that Aquila saw it.

Taking my chances with the coffee breath, I quickly stuffed the book back in the closet and cleared my throat. "Did you need me for something? You're not usually in here unless we're having tutoring sessions."

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