22. You hug it out like adults

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I couldn't catch a single break these days.

Because of all the commotion yesterday, with James suddenly popping up in the library and Boris promptly inviting himself and Aquila over for dinner later that same day, I had completely forgotten to prepare any of my tutoring sessions. I was supposed to do my work in the library while Janine wrote her essay on her own, or after school. I didn't. 

And, of course, Aquila was my first 'student' of the day.

Technically speaking, I didn't need to prepare for him. I knew how to human, though, I doubted that a little after yesterday. Maybe we'd spend our half hour in silence, anyway. Before yesterday I'd thought I could convince Aquila to listen to me if I talked about humans rather than English or math, but I could be wrong. Aquila had only agreed to letting me ask him questions about werewolves, after all.

I considered calling in sick with Mr. Murray and staying in bed. Hiding wouldn't solve anything though, so I dragged myself out of bed and went to school. I still left Iris on read, despite her following up with a series of question marks because I didn't reply last night.

As always, I half expected the computer room to be empty. As always, Aquila was already seated there with his back turned towards me.

I had no idea what to expect from him now. 

I'd looked it up. What biting my sweater meant. The internet seemed to agree it either meant wanting attention... or that the canine in question liked me. Thinking about that only made me nervous, so I tried to put it out of my head and approach him like nothing had happened. 

I breathed in and out deeply and headed over to the table. "Good morning, Aquila."

"Hey," Aquila grumbled.

He responded. That boded well for my chances today. Or so I'd thought. Once glance at Aquila's frown and I knew it was going to be a silent session again today.

I lowered myself onto the chair with a sigh. "You're still not willing to listen to me?" I asked. "Not even if I tell you more about humans rather than math or English?"

Aquila looked at me, then averted his gaze to the table and grumbled something incoherent.

I leaned closer. "I didn't catch that?"

Aquila's upper lip curled, but he didn't growl at me. "She's on her way to Pinewood."

"Who is?"

"My mother."

I raised a brow. "Your mother?" I repeated. "Is she...?"

"Yes, also a werewolf," Aquila replied. He pulled a face. "She wants to hear about my progress with the humans. Tomorrow morning."

"Well, you can tell her you had dinner with humans?" I offered.

Aquila shot me a dirty look.

I snorted. "Okay, got it. That's not the progress she's looking for." I took out my laptop and placed it on the table. "You know, you could've been making progress if you would've allowed me to tutor you. And if you tried to talk to my parents and other humans with more than single word sentences."

Aquila grimaced and crossed his arms. "I don't care. Let my mom decide I'm unsuitable as a leader, then disown me, and kick me out of the pack. I'll live happily and left alone. "

I suppressed a smile because Aquila probably wouldn't appreciate it if I laughed at him for being so dramatic. Maybe I didn't relate to being 'selected' as a future werewolf leader from the moment I was born, whatever that meant. But I did understand a little something about pressure and expectations. Everyone expected me to apply for college and move away next year, while I had absolutely no clue what I wanted to do. I wasn't getting any closer to finding an answer, and I couldn't bring myself to try either. 

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