Chapter 51 Let's dance

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No matter how good money power is, you have to live to enjoy it.

In the current era, having no power and no power but possessing huge assets is simply a deadly target standing tall.

With the help of Lu Guixi and Xue Yu, all the information that needs to be faked has been prepared. Seeing that most of the winter is over, the weather is getting colder.

Since the little snow that made Lu Ciyu sick, the snow in the sky has not been broken. At first, Lin Chi took four people to clean the yard, but as a result, the clearing swept out by the new snow was completely covered up. Ci Yu waited for a few days, and when she saw that the snow was not about to stop, she simply let them clear a passable path, so as not to do that useless effort in vain.

There were only a few months left for the scientific examination, and Lu Ciyu also had to concentrate on preparing for the examination. Although Tong Sheng tries once a year, why should one toss for an extra year for something that can be passed once?

The winter is bitter and cold, someone like him who just stays at home and doesn't do anything will be frozen to death when he goes out occasionally. I heard that there are still people in the village going out to work at this time... Lu Ciyu can only sigh life. Not easy.

When the house was built, a kang was set up in the house. Now is the time to burn it, but neither he nor Lin Chi had much experience. It was autumn when the house was built. The charcoal is far from enough.

Although it is not impossible to burn wood, the smoke and dust brought by the wood is so great that the house cannot be entered.

He also installed floor heating in several rooms that did not have a kang. This kind of thing has long been developed here, but the floor heating is not yet there. Lu Guixi walked into the house and was quite surprised. He turned around and followed Lu Ci. Yu bought the floor heating drawings.

He obviously wasn't a business man, so he didn't know how to bargain at all. He simply mentioned three hundred taels with the idea of ​​"saving Chen Mingyan's money". Lu Ciyu didn't care about the seasoning share. These silver coins, the meaning is nod, and the right should be the one who sells it.

In some senses, Lu Ciyu's attitude towards money, the root of all evil, is still very indifferent.

For him, this kind of thing that can't be brought by life and can't be taken away by death is useless, it's enough to spend.

The treasured playthings of this dynasty are not worth mentioning compared to the modern boutique devices. In modern times, if you have money, you can go to a certain treasure to buy some food, drink, and play, but here he has no money and no place to spend.

A lot of money can't be spent.

I don't know if there is anything I want to eat in this time and space; I want to play... Let's forget about the complicated etiquette rules of the ancients; I want to take Lin Chi out on a trip and show him the film that Chen Mingyan made for Lu Guixi. Jiangshan, but because of the inconvenience of transportation, it takes several hours to ride an ox cart to go out of a village.

The distribution of the seasoning had to be delivered one by one. At first, Lu Ciyu was very interested and would look at the amount of the bank note to calculate the amount of money, but later he didn't even look at it.

In the village, 10 taels of silver is considered "a huge sum of money". At the bank in the town, he took Zhang Qian tael's banknotes. I don't know how many people's eyes will be disturbed. .

He also stared lazily whether Xue Yu would play tricks on the account, and he didn't know if the other party took a fake account book. Lu Ciyu only had a written impression of how prosperous and prosperous Jining Mansion was. After all, he had never experienced it in person, so he had no idea how much the so-called 20% profit would be.

He only knew that if a little fox like Xue Yu really wanted to deceive him about what he did on the books, he would definitely not be able to see it with his shallow business knowledge. The extent of seeing it... that's when the two of them are about to turn their faces.

However, since Lu Ciyu met him, he has been consciously or unintentionally showing his "available value" and danger. Xue Yu is a cautious person, and he will definitely not choose to tear it apart unless he has to. layered face. Even if it's just to maintain this level of friendship, the money he sent for face-to-face kung fu would not be less.

It's just plastic sisters, ah no, plastic brotherhood, no one has ever really felt any love for anyone.

It's really boring that Lu Ciyu is locked up day by day. Staying in this ancient times is like going to prison. Fortunately, he is still the kind of person who can't be idle. He doesn't know how to make trouble. what is it like.

In summer and autumn, he can still vent his energy and go to the mountains to maintain the ecological balance and contribute his own meager strength to the proliferation of pheasants and hares.

But every time you do it, you have to be careful not to let the other party get pregnant. These days are really uncomfortable.

Lin Chi didn't understand what he meant by not wanting children. not good for health? But everyone in the village had children at the age of fifteen or sixteen. Didn't they come here too?

He is eighteen, and his brother of the same age just gave birth to his third child a month ago, but Mr. Lu didn't want him to conceive at all...

Lin Chi had mixed feelings in his heart, and his intuition told him that Lu Ciyu didn't like children, but... ...

Lu Ciyu couldn't explain to him that a modern person who was brainwashed by late marriage and Dink thinking for decades collided with an ancient person who thought that early marriage and many births were the king's way... They are concepts that have been accepted since childhood. No one can take a few steps back.

It's not impossible to go back. But this person will always be Lin Chi.

He and Lu Ciyu have been married for so long and have never quarreled once. His personality accounts for a large part of the reason.

He always felt that what Lu Ciyu said was right, even if Lu Ciyu said something he couldn't accept, he would finally agree with his teeth.

He liked Lu Ciyu so much that he wanted to treat him like a god. Even if he still didn't agree with the other party's views, he still couldn't refute Lu Ciyu.

Lin Chi hopes from the bottom of his heart that Lu Ciyu will be happy, and obeying everything will make Lu Ciyu happy.

Lin Chi didn't dare to ask Lao Langzhong to prescribe a contraceptive prescription. If Lao Langzhong knew about it, he would definitely rush to the door to find Lu Gongzi's trouble.

It's winter now, he can't go up the mountain to collect herbs, one of his brothers can't cross the long dirt road into the town, and most of the herbs in the village are in the hands of the old man. He told Lu Ciyu directly at night that he wanted to go to the town with him to buy some, but Lu Ciyu was angry at the time.

He didn't want children, so Lin Chi went to drink contraceptive pills? !

What's the difference between this and the modern people who only want to buy medicine for their lovers after they are happy?

Lin Chi didn't understand why he was angry, he was startled, and looked at him aggrieved.

When Lu Ciyu was stared at him like this, he couldn't let out any fire.

Why is this kid so distressed?

In the end, he could only helplessly hold the person in his arms: "It's not that I don't want children, I just don't want them now."

He squeezed Lin Chi's waist: "Look, you can see through the skin here. I can feel the bones, there is no meat at all, if there is a child...".

He didn't dare to think that the other party would be scared crazy with such a thin and thin body with a big belly.

"So you have to eat more food, grow more meat, and we will have children when your body can support another little life.

" There's nothing bad about it, what if you can't have a baby after drinking too much, I heard that some people can't have children after drinking too much."

Lin Chi immediately threw this idea away when he heard the words . , he also wanted to give birth to a young son of Lu Gongzi.

Lu Ciyu didn't expect that a single thought of his own would make the other party have so many thoughts. He couldn't blame Lin Chi, but himself.

"Don't worry, it will be in the winter next year."

He nestled on Lin Chi's shoulder, and touched the other's stomach with his hand through the layer of clothes. Lin Chi was tickled by his touch and wanted to hide sideways, but behind him was Lu Ciyu. Instead, this action seemed to be digging into his arms.

The people behind him hugged tighter.

It snowed for many days in a row, and then the weather warmed up slightly for a few days, and the snow melted a lot, and a thick layer of ice formed at night.

Sometimes the new snow covers the ice, and people can't see it. Stepping on it with one foot will make you stumble and almost fall. Lin Chi is busy breaking and shoveling ice with Xunquan Xunyuan.

The stove and charcoal pots in Lu Ciyu's house were all lit up one by one. Lin Chi was grabbed by him after he entered the house after work. He was wearing a strange clothes called sweaters that were not cold at all, but Lu Ciyu always Worried about where he is freezing.

After Lu Guixi got the floor heating drawings, he went directly into the town. Lu Ciyu guessed that he sent someone to send Fang Zi away.

Young Master Lu knew for a long time that there was always a hawk and falcon hovering in his yard, but although the drawings of the floor heating were not thick, there were still several drawings, which could not be sent away by a mere bird. Lu Ciyu didn't believe that there was no one arranged in the town. For example, the behavior of the followers in Xue Yu's house was very suspicious.

When Lu Guixi came back, he held another dozen thick books. Lu Ciyu turned a few pages and his brain hurt. He probably understood how the children in modern times felt when they saw "X-Year College Entrance Examination X-Year Simulation" , and deeply condemned myself for taking this book as a gift to my friend's children in the past.

The past can not be traced back, Lu Gongzi sighed while holding his forehead.

Lin Chiwo looked over at the other end of the collapse, and looked up after a while, "Mr. Lu?"

"Huh?" Lu Ciyu, who was immersed in his study, responded in a dull voice.

"Young Master Lu, look, it's almost New Year's Eve."

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