10 - Friday, October 16

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Sophia exuded an air of responsibility that was very apparent in every facet of her. But when she slipped behind the wheel, I was left to white-knuckle the door handle for twenty agonizing minutes. At least our journey to the town she had chosen for our coffee date was over soon.

It was the first time I had ever heard of Cardiff, a bustling town with a community college and a high school, which could offer me an escape route should my strained relationship with a particular teacher sour even further. Though the likelihood was slim, my anxious thoughts remained steadfast.

But Sophia had a knack for lifting my spirit and carrying me away from the murky depths of my worries. Our shared passions and interests gave way to long conversations.

"So, yeah. We've been friends for like ten years at this point. Though Lucas started finding me tolerable only a couple of years ago. I don't exactly blame him," Sophia explained. But then her gaze ignited, a flicker of curiosity dancing in her eyes as she leaned forward in her seat. "Okay, enough about me. Your turn now."

With a theatrical sigh, I sensed exactly where her thoughts were heading. "You're not gonna let it go, are you?"

"It would kill me to let it go. What's going on with you and Martin?"

"She can be a bitch, that's all."

"If she's such a bitch, why was she in your apartment in the middle of the night? While you were in your underwear?"

Those words elicited a laugh from me, partly from the absurdity of the situation and partly from the realization that I had nowhere to hide. "Believe me, there's nothing scandalous about it. I happened to run into her in the park, and she helped me with my bruised knee."

"And you keep saying that she hates you?" She cast a skeptical brow my way. "She's been around for years, and she has never disliked... no, actually, she has never cared enough to dislike anyone, let alone visit their home. Talk!"

"We're just figuring some things out."

"Girl, you can't keep me hanging like this. You know I'm far too nosy to let it go."

A nervous smile tugged at the corners of my lips, a mixture of apprehension and anticipation bubbling within me. "She's actually my, uh... my childhood friend."

The impact of my words hit her with full force, causing her to lean back in her chair, nearly toppling over as it screeched against the floor. "What?" she shouted loud enough that I thought we might get thrown out. "Did I hear you right? If you've known her all this time, why on earth are you two acting like... wait, what? What the fuck?"

"I found out two weeks ago after not seeing her for like seven years."

Her eyes widened, her mouth agape as she leaned in close, a bombardment of questions bursting forth. "Please explain," she squealed. "I can't believe it."

"I'm trying not to care anymore, Soph. No matter how much effort I put into sorting things out, she just keeps jumping to conclusions, and emotions seem foreign to her."

"Kayla, this is like a soap opera or some twisted book." She chuckled. "Next thing we know, you two are gonna become star-crossed lovers or something."

A grimace played upon my features as I wrinkled my nose, prompting another burst of laughter. "What now?" she quipped. "Don't tell me you don't find her attractive. You even dress the same!"

"So what?" I scoffed. "Even if there weren't a thousand other reasons why that's never gonna happen, I think she's married anyway."

"To whom? Casper?"

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