19 - Thursday, December 24

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Winter had firmly staked its claim over the town. Snow had covered mostly everything. Icy fingers even traced patterns on the windowpanes of the apartment, frosting the glass with designs that glowed in the warm light from inside, as though dusted with stardust. The world outside was still, but inside, magic was taking form.

Glowing strands of fairy lights lay strewn across the floor, waiting to be strung. The nostalgic aroma of fresh gingerbread still lingered from hours earlier. Light chatter echoed in the space, fingers and hands were busily engaged, and the Christmas tree found life with each passing heartbeat.

Ever the bundle of energy, Benji displayed his own ornaments made during school with pride. Yet, his eyes would often wander to the top of the tree, to the branches tantalizingly just beyond his fingertips. And with each bauble nestled into its place, his head would tilt subtly, reflecting a silent nod to a job beautifully accomplished.

Capturing the boy's unspoken yearnings in the depths of his bright eyes, an impish grin unfurled across Alex's face as she continued stealing glances at him. And when he was least expecting it, she hoisted him up in the air with a theatrical grunt of effort, the room echoing their shared laughter.

Being in their orbit was utterly intoxicating, for each interaction between them was like witnessing love so pure, it felt transcendent. And while it might have seemed unusual to declare for someone already bound by blood, if there were soulmates, those two were it. Around them, every breath felt fresher, every shadow seemed a shade lighter, and the world appeared to shimmer just a touch brighter.

Deep in thought and engrossed in decorating, I was jolted back to reality by an unanticipated weight on my back, prompting a momentary stagger and an instinctual yell. "Alex!" I exclaimed in slight panic and struggled not to topple over. "Oh, gosh."

Benji's gleeful giggles echoed in my ears as little hands clasped around my neck. "I'm not that heavy!"

"Sure you're not." I laughed along, finally steadying myself and angling toward the tree. "Can you reach now?"

Stretching with all his might, his body wriggled in my arms before a hum of approval sounded. "Mom? The lights?"

"Just be careful and don't strangle Kayla, okay?"

While he weaved each little bulb into its destined place, my eyes were gently drawn toward Alex in the kitchen as she checked on the food. But the click of the front door seized our collective attention. The boy's excitement was palpable as he slid off my back and landed softly on his feet, nearly toppling me again.

"Tony!" he exclaimed, launching himself into the embrace of the tall man awaiting him by the entrance.

"What's up, champ?" Tony spoke, his voice drenched in affection as he gave the kid a high-five. "I swear you're getting taller each time I see you."

Gabi's pleased groan chimed in. "Oh, it smells like heaven here."

Sweet scent of vanilla suddenly wafted stronger, nudging my memory and pulling me away from the hugging company. I slipped my hands into oven mitts, feeling the fervent kiss of warmth as I rescued the golden cookies and placed them to cool on the marble countertop.

In a heartbeat, Benji had already dragged Tony over for introductions, stitching together smiles as contagious as his own spirit. I was instantly captivated by Tony's warm smile that mirrored my own. Cascading down his back was a mane of dark dreadlocks, complemented by a full beard, his cozy sweater adding a touch of contrast to his towering and athletic frame.

"I hope this isn't offensive to say out loud," I began with a slight grin, "but I half-expected a white man in a suit."

Tony laughed heartily, directing a playful glance at his wife. "She does give off the white-collar vibe, doesn't she?"

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