41 - Sunday, May 9

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"Tell me again," Sophia grumbled as she trailed behind me, "why do you have a box of rocks?"

"Just so you could ask me about it ten times in a single hour." I strolled inside the apartment before noticing that she remained rooted on the threshold. "You're gonna stand there in the hallway? Come in."

"Can I?"

After some convincing, she gingerly set down my belongings on the floor, her eyes taking in the details of the apartment with a leisurely sweep.

"Damn, what a nice place," she mumbled in awe. "The plants are... oh, and the paintings!"

A proud smile crept upon my face. "Alex painted those."

"They're beautiful." She smiled, her eyes searching. "Is there anyone else here?"

"No." I smirked to myself. "Just us."

"Good." She gave an exaggerated sigh. "I'm starting to get jealous that she's not my girlfriend."

A burst of laughter sounded through the slightly ajar bedroom door, causing Sophia to swivel to me. Her expression changed from playful to terrified, and she stared at me in complete silence, her eyes wide with horror.

"It's good that you're moving out!" she whisper-yelled. "I would've thrown you out myself!"

With an amused grin, I pushed the bedroom door open. But Alex came dashing up to me and barred my way. "You can't come in here right now."

Stepping backward, I arched an eyebrow. "Why not?"

With a shake of her head, Alex's gaze drifted past me, a lighthearted smirk dancing upon her lips. "Just don't. Hey there."

Sophia looked between us, her expression grave. "I'm sorry, miss," she mumbled, inching toward the door. "I'll switch schools now."

I reached for her arm and drew her back within, halting her escape. She was so flustered, a marked contrast to the confident and talkative woman I had grown accustomed to.

Alex watched the scene unfold with an amused air. "I don't bite."

"Actually—" I started to say, but a sharp pinch on my arm silenced me. "Never mind."

Sophia struggled to suppress a laugh. "Your apartment is lovely, miss."

"Please, let's not make this weird. Just call me Alex," she said with a chuckle. "Do you have any food preferences?"

"I'm vegetarian, but you really don't have to. I'll just go home and eat... something frozen."

Her polite protests were brushed aside as Alex flashed her a warm smile. "All the more reason to stay. Let's just hope that we haven't eaten the tofu."

Right as Sophia conceded, Benji came out of his room and kept her occupied as we made dinner. He seemed to do her some good, for when they returned to eat, her typical confidence seemed to be restored.

The evening drifted by in a contented haze, and the atmosphere had turned into one of comfort and ease with conversation meandering through the group of my closest people. Sophia had effortlessly melded into our little crew.

My heart swelled as I observed Alex's willingness and dedication to get to know my friends, despite the obvious risks of it. Not a single thought was given to school, a comfort that allowed us to savor the evening.

While Alex was putting Benji to bed, Sophia prepared to leave, her lips tugged in a sorrowful pout. "It's going to be awfully lonely there now."

"Don't worry," I said, matching her tone, "I'm sure you'll be fine without me."

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