Chapter Eight (Edited/Added to)

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Cayde's POV

Being a mafia leader came with some unexpected perks. I haven't needed an alarm clock since I was young, my internal clock always getting me up before seven a.m. and not matter how hard I tried to sleep in on the weekends, I usually couldn't. Having and sharing a bed with Nova though, had me enjoying those moments. And then there was the perk of always knowing my surroundings, no one could sneak up on me though I'd have to admit I've let my little soulmate scare me when he's tried sneaking up on me. And then there was the major perk of power, being a mafia leader meant carrying a crime syndicate and getting the power that came with it.

Wolfe was 'dead' so office work fell on me, though there were times Wolfe would be in our actual office. It was a time of war and times we knew a job would end in guns blazing and our side coming out as victor. And there were plenty of times Wolfe and I came home covered in blood. I hated doing it, especially seeing Nova's face filled with worry but Wolfe and I would just smile at him and tell him it wasn't ours...even if it meant lying to him. From there, the two of us would go to change and shower, though beforehand we'd stitch each other up and help clean up.

I loved those moments... It meant Wolfe had to tend to me and care for me like he should as a soulmate. It's how I found myself stepping in the line of fire more often; just to feel his fingers on me. His touch was hot, electric. It was sensual and calloused, and I found myself biting back moans.

Wolfe never showed an interest in our soul marks, never showed the want I see in his eyes when looking at Nova. I didn't want to be jealous of our shared soulmate but it was hard. After Wolfe started sleeping with us, something just clicked in our relationship and we were more physical with Nova. Not as physical as we'd like, at least on my part, I've never taken it further than jacking him off but to know that he and Wolfe do the same. It hurt knowing I wasn't a part of it. It hurt knowing that I wouldn't have what he had with Wolfe and thoughts like that put me in the gym overworking my body.

"Will you focus?" Wolfe growled below me and I found my gaze casting down to the man who sat on one knee before me. He was eye level with my hip, stitching up a stab wound along with a few bullet wounds. The stab wound was my worst one and I have to be honest I had lost enough blood to feel foggy.

"I am." I breathed, tossing my head back as his fingers brushed over a sensitive spot; the touch sending jolts further down. "Just keep talking."

"I should have called the damn doctor." He mumbled. "You've lost too much."

I laughed, though it was pained. "You'd get to see me bleed out, that's your reason for not calling. You'd have Nova all to yourself after, I don't matter."

I felt a pull at my skin before Wolfe rose, hard gaze boring into mine before his hand found its way around my throat. Rather than feeling fear when he squeezed, I felt ecstasy and a rush of excitement.

"Just because I don't feel anything for you doesn't mean you're not my soulmate. You're my soulmate just as much as Nova's." Wolfe's voice was a deadly calm, and that terrified me more than him yelling at me. "If I hear you say something like that again, I'd deal with you accordingly."

I gave him a wicked smile through the pain I still felt from my multiple injuries. "That's the most emotion you've shown toward me."

He came closer, his face inches from mine and I swear I felt our lips brush but I pushed it aside thinking it was the lack of blood in my system. "You're not dying on Nova, not on my watch. So, yeah you'll get emotion from me."

I felt disappointment flood my body and I looked away from him. "Let me go, Wolfe."

His grip loosened but didn't move. "Don't think like that, get out of your head. If I can get to you, who's to say our enemy won't."

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