Chapter 13 (Edited)

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My eyes were glued to the man that was groveling at my feet, there were hands that found their way around my waist and a chin on my shoulder. They were trying not to laugh as they, too, looked down at the man before me.

"What gives you the right to interrupt my wedding?" I hissed, and Cayde's chuckle filled my ear as he turned his head to kiss a more sensitive spot against my neck. "Just because you have some form of vendetta against one of my husbands doesn't mean you can waltz right in here like you own the goddamn place and ruin my perfect day."

"You pissed off the mafia wife." Cayde snickered against me, but then I felt Wolfe reach out and smack him. Cayde's body pulled from mine as he went to start a war of smacking Wolfe who had growled at him, without conviction. "Do you want him mad at us next, you moron. I love you but you sure as hell are stupid sometimes."

"Excuse me for being turned on while our wife is pissed off like this." Cayde purred. "He's just so fucking hot, like damn I'd take him right here and now if he'd let me."

Wolfe groaned, though I could tell it was to cover a laugh of his own. "I can't argue there, my love."

"Will you two shut up and help me figure out what to do with this fool." I mumbled annoyed. "I wanna officially be married and this is keeping me from that."

Wolfe stepped forward, placing a kiss to the side of my head. "I know my little vixen, why don't we just keep him handcuffed here and deal with him after the ceremony."

I shot him a glare. "Your ass shoulda stayed fake dead."

He laughed. "If that's how you really feel I can leave?"

"You do and I will make sure your next funeral is a real one." I threatened as Cayde laced our fingers together and pulled me off toward the arch we were all originally standing under.

"You're making a scene, little vixen, and I must warn you with how good you look I may not refrain myself from taking you here in front of our guests." His voice was cool to the tone and it sent shivers down my spine. That was the second time he had said that and if we weren't all careful I'd let them strip me down and fuck me in front of all of our guests, in laws be damned.

"Don't you darn." I forced myself not to moan but it was hard not to as Wolfe's arm snaked dangerously around my waist as the three of us assumed our old positions.

"If you don't mind, we'd like to continue." Wolfe's eyes were cast down to me, then to our other soulmate. "I'd rather officially call them mine."

These men were making it hard not to picture them fucking me down in front of all our guests. The thought sounded exciting, me on full display with my soulmates showing me just who I belong to, but alas it was frowned upon.

"Does anyone else object to this union?" The man before us asked and when no one spoke up aside from the small whimper, of the man I had handcuffed a few rows back, he smiled and nodded his head. "Alright them, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce the three of you husbands."

I didn't know which man to turn to first but I didn't have long to think as Wolfe pulled me to him. Our lips met in a soft lingering kiss before I was pulled away and whisked into Cayde's graceful kiss. And then the two of us were pulling away and he and Wolfe were sharing a kiss.

"I love you both." Wolfe mumbled lazily as he pressed his forehead against Cayde's and pulled me to them. "I will always stand by you both, for now and forever."

I let tears stream down my face. "I hated the way we all came into each other's lives but I wouldn't change it for the world."

"This shit is gay." Cayde joked through tears. "But thank you both for choosing me."

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